
John 3:16
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

Are YOU a "whosoever?"

Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Reason for the Season!

I feel obligated to put aside political rhetoric for today and concentrate on what is REALLY important. Please read the following with an open heart and mind.

The Christmas Season is upon us, and there should be joy abounding around the world. Some people celebrate Christmas as a tradition, very removed from the Babe in the Manger. Some people around the world never heard of Jesus Christ, and have no idea what’s going on. Some people in the world don’t celebrate Christmas due to an alternative religion. Some who call themselves Christians don’t celebrate Christmas because December 25th isn’t really Jesus’ birthday.

Would it really shock you for me to say, I believe that December 25th is NOT Jesus’ birthday. If a person studies the Bible and Bible history, using various Jewish earmarks in the Bible, one could say that Jesus was born in the fall. By tracing the birth of John the Baptist, Jesus’ cousin, and using names on the Jewish calendar, you might learn that John the Baptist was born in the spring. And the Angel Gabriel visited Elisabeth before he visited Mary, and John was born about six months earlier than Jesus. That would put Jesus’ birth in the fall. However, all that is really irrelevant—if you have the Spirit of God in your heart. The actual day of Jesus birth is not known. However, for whatever reason when it started, December 25th is now set aside to celebrate this miraculous Birth.

Some folks, myself included, have signed their Christmas cards, “Jesus is the reason for the season.” Very poetical, but not completely true. Yes, Christmas, with the emphasis on CHRIST, is here to celebrate Jesus’ birth, but only in the concept of celebrating His death. You see, Jesus came to earth, born of a virgin, and laid in a manger, to be our Savior. He fulfilled Scripture with His birth, and the angels proclaimed it in the heavens:

“And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” Luke 2:8-14

Around the world are people who don’t understand that Jesus came to the world for them, for YOU.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16

The trouble with most people is that they don’t think they need a Savior, they think they are all right, they “aren’t that bad.” Before a person can “get saved”—accept Jesus as their Savior, they need to know they need him.

When Jesus was preparing to come to earth, the angel came to Mary and then to Joseph. “Behold, the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife; for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost. And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.” Jesus came to earth to die!

When we tell a lie, we sin. When we steal, we sin. When we have hate in our hearts for another person, we sin. When we don’t honor our father or mother, we sin. Jesus came to earth, born in a lowly stable, laid in a lowly manger, and thirty years later He began his earthly ministry which led to His death on the cross—for you—for me. To pay our sin debt so we would go to heaven when we die. But we have to CHOOSE to be saved, choose to have Jesus in our hearts. It’s not difficult—just repent (be sorry for your sins and turn from them) and ask Jesus into your heart to be your Lord and Savior. It is the most valuable Christmas present you can give to yourself.

There is a song that says it all. I don’t know the writer, but I attribute it to him anonymously.

Down from His glory, ever living story,
My God and Savior came, and Jesus was His name,
A man of sorrows, tears and agony.

What condescension, bringing us redemption,
That in the dead of night, Not one faint hope in sight;
God, gracious, tender; laid aside His splendor
Stooping to woo, to win, to save my soul.

Without reluctance, Flesh and blood His substance;
He took the form of Man; revealed the hidden plan;
O glorious myst’ry, Sacrifice of Calv’ry;
And now I know Thou art the Great, “I AM.”


O how I love Him! How I adore Him! MY breath, MY sunshine,
MY all in all! The great Creator became my Savior,
And all God’s fullness dwelleth in Him.

Happy Birthday, Jesus, and Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Will the Grinch Steal Our Christmas?

Christmas will soon be upon us, with hearts turned to Peace, Love and the Joy that only Jesus can give. He said the earth was not His world, and that we shouldn’t hold too tightly to the physical aspects of life.

It is a good thing that our rewards and security are in a different realm because our leaders here on earth, local, state and federal are bent on squeezing out of us every drop of sustenance we can muster.

At this writing, the Dunces in D.C. are doing a Dueling Dance to extend/end the Bush tax cuts—in the process, the amendments and inclusions will add over $600 Billion—with a B more dollars to our debt with China. State governments are trying to balance state budgets currently very much in deficits; and local leaders in many states, counties and municipalities have so cowed to the pseudo-science of global warming that they are passing “green” building codes that restrict how many light bulbs we can put in our kitchens—latest rule is (4) 60 watt bulbs per average kitchen. Now, THAT is intrusive!!

Holiday travelers are sexually accosted in the name of security by TSA workers with no common sense, who strip search, both virtually, and physically, law-abiding Americans who want to visit Grandma on the holidays—all because they don’t want to “profile” would-be Muslim terrorists.

Meanwhile, as our POTUS finally found his TOTUS, he has been reaming out both sides of the political aisles. He rails that the Republicans are taking hostages over this tax cut/extension. The Democrats suddenly don’t understand that to NOT extend those tax cuts at this time, will throw the country into double dip recession in January. And, while all this political theater is taking place, Iran is making plans to move missiles into Venezuela capable of reaching the USA!!

The Shining Light in all this chaos is Jesus. When His trumpet sounds to call out the Church, and we fly to higher ground, all our needs will be met, all our ills will disappear, and we will be with the King—the Real King. And all this without being manhandled by the TSA to get there!!

"God who gave us life gave us liberty. And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are the gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with His wrath? Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that His justice cannot sleep forever.”

--President Thomas Jefferson

Merry Christmas

Note: “Grinch” attributed to Dr. Seuss

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Blackout and Withdrawal Symptoms

To clarify things, my computer crashed two weeks ago, and I lost all my data, including e-mail accounts and addresses. I am still rebuilding. This technical blackout came just at the time of the elections. I was unable to get on the internet to keep up with the news. I became sorely aware of the extreme lack of information available on the mainstream newscasts and local newspapers.

After a few days, I used my work computer to check in with a couple of sites I read for news. I found out that our president and his wife are blaming George Bush for the drumming the democrats took. An article on stated that there is one thing that the Republicans and Democrats fear even more than the Tea Party—it’s the INTERNET. It’s no wonder that our president wants complete control of the internet.

The president already has the power to shut it down whenever he feels there may be a threat to the nation. The only threat that he has about the internet is the information that is available. Truth is hard to hide. Eventually someone finds it out and can now spread it around the world in seconds. That is the threat to the politicians. There is no place to hide. To their benefit, though, there have been so few people looking for the truth. The numbers of truth-seekers are growing daily. And their link to TRUTH is the internet.

While I sat in the dark listening/watching mainstream newscasts, the internet had up-to-date news of winners and losers, and how each precinct or county broke down their votes. It took three days to learn from a newspaper who won a state house of representative race that I was interested in.

Then, no sooner had the election come and gone, when our leader also went—on another excursion. This time to India and other Asian countries. Time to uplift the Muslims again. A lot of flack arose when he planned his trip and learned he was supposed to visit a mosque in India. Muslims wear turbans or other headdress, and the president didn’t want to do that, for fear he would ignite the rumors again about his Muslim history. It turned out that the mosque in India wasn’t Muslim, but Hindu, but courageous president had already crossed that tourist stop off his agenda. But what did he do instead? He went back to the town where he was raised and uplifted the Muslims there, and in other parts of Southeast Asia.

Some other tidbits about our president and his “neutral” thoughts about religion. The Imam Rauf, founder of the Ground Zero mosque, the same person who refuses to admit that Hamas is a terrorist group, the same person who called the USA an accessory to the tragedy of Sept. 11, 2001, went on a “Good Will Trip” at the taxpayers expense funded by the U. S. State Department.

Associated Press reported the “Hope and Change” administration will give $6 million in tax dollars to restore historic sites around the world, which include: $76,000 for a mosque in China, $67,000 for a mosque in Pakistan, $77,000 to restore minarets in Nigeria and Mauritania, and $50,000 for an Islamic monument in India. The Secretary of State said this is money well spent. Which Muslim repair job will your tax dollars pay for.

What about rebuilding the Orthodox Christian church at Ground Zero that the Muslim terrorists destroyed? Not a penny.

In the Islamic celebration of Ramadan, the “Hope and Change” president stated, These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings. Ramadan is a celebration of a faith known for great diversity and racial equality. And here in the United States, Ramadan is a reminder that Islam has always been part of America and that American Muslims have made extraordinary contributions to our country.”

What part of Islam’s role in 9-11-01 tragedy did we have in common?
And now a word about “turning the other cheek.” A Muslim terrorist once said that the terrorists will win this war because Americans have been taught to “turn the other cheek.” This terrorist said they have been trained to kill all Americans and Christians. While Americans reach out in the name of Jesus to show Christian love, the terrorist will simply slit throats.

There has been a discussion about the “turning the other cheek” philosophy. Steven Crowder of stated that George W. Bush is a “man’s man” who leads by example. Crowder explains that Jesus told his followers to turn the other cheek. As Crowder stated, Jesus is the prime example of what it means to turn the other cheek. He (Jesus) was beaten, tortured, and crucified, but didn’t fight back. Crowder asks, “Could he have?” Well, he is Jesus…who died, was buried, and rose again. Without the resurrection, Jesus would have never been able to “turn the other cheek” because he would have been…well, dead. Crowder reported that Jesus could have swatted down those centurions at any given moment, but consciously chose not to.”

Crowder’s modern day interpretation was parents who teach their kids not to fight, but to turn the other cheek, have taught their children to be cowards. They give up because they can do nothing else. But, if, as Crowder writes, their son was state champion wrestler, and a black belt in Judo, he could take care of bullies, but chooses not to.

Now back to Mr. Bush. Mr. Crowder stated, though the current president routinely poked his finger in the chest of Mr. Bush every chance he got, the former president remained silent. Mr. Bush could have come out in public yelling, “Listen, you’ve unprecedentedly multiplied the deficit, your irresponsible spending dwarfs any and all presidents that have come before you. Folks, you think I sucked? Get a load of this punk.” Instead he’s chosen to say nothing.

That is turning the other cheek, and being a man.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Bullies, How they Operate, and Why

A lot has been said lately about bullying, of children, of adults, because of a person’s choice of lifestyle, or perceived choice of lifestyle, or for no sound reason at all. As a person who has been subjected to bullying, and had to live through the experience or just die, I would like to address some of these areas.

First of all, there is NO sound reason to bully anyone. There may be “excuses” in a bully’s mind, but no justification.

Starting there, bullies bully as a use of power they have, or want. They choose a person to be their victim who they perceive as weaker than them, who appear to not have a close circle of friends, who may or may not have a strong family around them, or a person who has been taught to “turn the other cheek.” When I was a child and someone called me names, my mother would say, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.” Sounds good, but not true. A crushed spirit in a child will have a lifetime affect on him/her. Children are taught early to “not hit back.” “Turn the other cheek.” “Just walk away.” All this sounds good, but won’t stop a bully.

Bullied children often turn into bullies. It’s their way of “getting back.” It’s the “I’ve got the power now.” In the last election, the president’s quip to non-worshippers was “We won. Live with it.” That’s a form of bullying.

In today’s society, bullying takes many forms: Bosses who use foul language to “motivate” workers; one racial group intimidating other group, or even the same race, but “different neighborhood;” people who have been convinced by society that “choice of lifestyle” has no consequences, come up against people intimidated by that lifestyle; or conversely that alternate lifestyle jamming it’s choice down the throats of people who are to follow God’s plan for their lives; judges in black robes who have agendas and power; bully the public by their edicts. Presidential Decrees, without vote of Congress that goes against popular opinion is a form of bullying. Congress who votes for a very unpopular policy, which includes more hidden tax agendas than medicine are bullies.

Politicians who can’t take a visible stand to protect life are bullies. Unions who stand against the majority and Constitution are bullies.

It appears that, on earth, the only thing bullies understand is pain. When I was a teenager, my brother was riding the school bus as a first-grader, and a big lump of a girl kept harassing him. He was little, and non-aggressive, and didn’t take up much space on a seat. This lump would push and shove and call him names. After telling the driver that it wasn’t right, and the driver looking bewildered as to how to handle the situation, I told my mother. She gave me that line again about “sticks and stones.” That was no help to my brother. One day when this lump got more and more aggressive, I came up behind her and with all my strength, I brought my 3-ring binder notebook down over her head, driving it down between her shoulders. She whined some. When her eyes cleared, I said, if you touch my brother, or say anything to him again, I will get more books. The bullying stopped.

We can’t all go around clocking people for bullying, but we can intervene. People in authority need to be more vigilant and visible. That bus driver could have done something, but chose not to.

In my mind, and through observations, I have learned that ultimately bullies are cowards, ignorant cowards, from the “lump” on the bus to the bullies in Washington. Coercion is force used, against the other person’s will. The boss who uses foul language: a. because he can get away with it, b. because he is too ignorant to use correct speech with coworkers and people under his “control.” I had a bossman yell at me using foul language because I wasn’t doing something correctly. When I called a halt to his (one-sided) conversation I said, he should clean up his language. I said, if I as not smart enough to learn how to do what he wanted me to do, I would leave. But they weren’t paying me enough money to have to listen to that language. He never did it again, and I worked there over five years.

Bullies bully because they can. A victim is only a victim when they stop fighting back. Sorry Mom.

There was a man who was bullied more than anyone else on earth. His name is Jesus. But He came to earth for his own agenda, to seek and to save. He laid down his life as payment for all our sins, even bullies. When he was tormented and tortured, He spoke not a word. But he had a higher calling, and a higher power. The ultimate fate of those bullies will be worse than the pain they caused by their bullying.

We mortals can only do the best we can. That may be by refusing to be bullied. Or it may be by intervening when you see others being bullied. Ultimately Jesus stepped into the breach for us all—between us and Satan. One day Satan’s bullying will end, and we can all go Home.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Let’s Not Get Paranoid—But “They” ARE Out to Get Us

IRS Changes: Something flying out under the radar this week is a result of more slight-of-hand with the IRS tax codes. Fox News Headlines of 10/14/10 “THOUSANDS OF NON-PROFIT GROUPS FACE NEW TAX BURDEN STARTING FRIDAY.”

It seems that in 2006 regulations changed that eliminated the minimum income of a non-profit business to not have to file certain papers. These businesses were given a certain period of time to “register” by E-Postcards. Failure to do so would remove their tax-exempt status. These organizations include homeowners associations, Masonic lodges, and other such entities. The deadline to get their paperwork in is today, Oct. 15, 2010. Then these groups have to reapply for tax-exempt status. It appears that straight church funds, as opposed to “functional operation,” or “action operations” are still exempt. But to determine what “functional” or “action operations” is a gray area.

Same Old Politics: A headline on American Thinker read: Obama and Company trying to pull a fast one to keep his old seat in the D column?

It appears that election officials in Illinois have not mailed out the absentee ballots to folks in the military in a timely manner (at least 45 days before an election). Therefore the ballots would have a hard time getting back. Obama’s choice to fill his old senate seat is being challenged by a member of a military reserve unit. It has been history that soldiers vote for Republicans 3-1 over Democrats. In a tight race, removing these ballots from the vote could tip the election.

In a Race Closer to Home: There are three candidates in the South Carolina race for U.S. Senate: a man on the Green Party, a man on the Democratic ticket, and Incumbent, Jim DeMint, the Republican candidate. I know nothing about the “Green Party” candidate, but since I think the whole “green movement” is a hoax to gain control over the citizens of America, I will not be voting for him. The man on the Democratic ticket is a confessed peruser of pornography, who thinks showing his “porn-pix-of-choice” to a prospective date is how a man “flirts” with a woman. This thinking is so low and without moral compass that I couldn’t even consider his candidacy.

This leaves us with Senator Jim DeMint. Mr. DeMint is a Christian gentleman who confesses his thanks “to Jesus who saved me and gave me freedom.” Mr. DeMint’s book Saving Freedom, should be required reading in all government schools from 8th grade up—assuming eighth-graders in government school have learned to read. I highly recommend it to everyone.

Regardless of the politics of “Perks & Pork,” Jim DeMint has a vision for South Carolina, and America—a vision of personal freedom, and responsibility. My vote this year will be for Mr. DeMint.

To hear other Republicans talk about and against Jim DeMint, you would wonder whose side (or party, or country) they are on. To read the local newspapers, you would wonder if the editors of the oldest paper in the country have any knowledge of the history that has made them free, to be able to write about what they know so little.

Massive Energy Tax Coming? While the humongous “Cap & Trade” was set aside this summer, the Democrats have not lost hope in their favorite game of “Control and Conquer.” Senator Bingaman (D-NM ) and 32 other senators are pushing a bill to put in place with a “15 percent renewable energy standard.” This RES will have two components. First, a mandate to electrical utilities to generate 11 percent of their energy by renewable sources, solar and wind. Second, 4% of the 15 percent will be completed by “energy efficiency measures.” And the cost of all these innovations will be passed along to consumers in their monthly electric bills. This is giving the solar and wind companies that have proved to be inefficient and uneconomical, subsidies from the federal government.

Chinese to Own part of Texas? And to think that as the O Administration put a freeze on drilling in the Gulf, (said to be reviewed soon), China has purchased drilling rights in 600,000 acres in South Texas oil and gas fields. China is said to be paying $2.2 Billion for one-third stake in the Chesapeake Energy assets.  NO, foreigners can't take the land overseas, but they can benefit from our assets while our politicians dither about the "safety" and ecological impact of crude oil for energy.

What’s Good for the Gander, but Not for America: Lastly: the woman in the White House is still at it in her double standards. She, in her quest for a healthier America, has made it her personal mission to separate children from Twinkies and restrict everyone’s personal food choices, monitoring American grocery lists, while hypocrisy runs rampant in the White House. AS M O eats lobster in Spain, but tells the rest of Americans to eat their green beans, POTUS pollutes the white house with second hand smoke. As M O talks about healthy vegetables cleansing our bodies, POTUS has become the poster boy for the Marlboro Man. Cities and states have begun to surtax sodas with sugar in them like some type of contraband. But the president can carry his “crutch” around with him.


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Milk Monitors and Nincompoops—Or, The Recession Has Ended, Along with Global Warming

“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” Proverbs 1:7

I will try to touch base on a number of topics today. I hope is comes across clearly.

First: Social Security issues: I receive a number of e-mails on different topics, and try to research things the best I can. A question arose that asked if it were true that Social Security recipients were not going to receive a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) in 2011, and was it because the Obama Administration was using $24,000,000 of Social Security funds to install electronic medical record gathering equipment to help with Congress’s medical needs.

No, Social Security folks will NOT be getting a COLA in 2011, but not for the aforementioned reason. They/we won’t be getting a COLA because, according to the government’s figures, the cost of living went down again in 2010. But, yes, the Obama administration is using $24,000,000 from Social Security to pay for installing electronic medical record gathering capability. Not for Congress, but for those folks who are applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). This is supposed to speed up their eligibility determination. The Social Security funds for this project came from funds Obama moved to SSA from Stimulus Funds last year. Understand? We MUST follow through with electronic medical records, but, sorry, no COLA again!

Speaking of Social Security: How many of you readers have ever requested an earnings statement from SSA? I ask this because I found out that years ago one of my employers DIDN’T report one year of my earnings, and never sent in my money. So, I am one year short in my Social Security earnings. As it was a sizable income for that year, all my future Social Security checks will be smaller. If I had been aware, I could have done something about it. And, IF I HAD KEPT ALL MY TAX RECORDS, NOT JUST THE LAST SEVEN YEARS, I could have updated Social Security, and been credited for those missing quarters. My advice is NEVER throw away W-2 forms or 1099 forms. Commit them to some type of reprintable record.

Now about Global Warming and the Recession Ending: Last week the government accounting office reported that the recession ended in June 2009. Never mind that the housing market is still in the tank, and jobs are as scarce as hens’ teeth, unemployment went up, “thus sayeth the government…” so it must be so. On another front, there was a meeting in Sitges, Spain by the Bilderburger Group, a group of powerful CEOs from around the world. Present were the chairman of Fiat, Irish Attorney General Paul Gallagher, the US special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan Richard Holbrook, Henry Kissinger, Bill Gates, the Queen of the Netherlands, and others. The group’s agenda included: financial reform, security, cyber technology, energy, Pakistan, Afghanistan, world food problems, global cooling, social networking, medical sciences, EU-US relations…Wait a minute…Global Cooling?

Was this a printing error, or do these folks know perfectly well that global cooling is a far more serious threat than global warming? Hmmm. Watch for a lot of back-tracking from global warming in the days, weeks, and months to come. Too bad they’ve already outlawed and stopped making those neat incandescent light bulbs we like in favor of those that couldn’t light the way to an outhouse.

"When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn."
Proverbs 29:2

Now for the chocolate milk and milk monitors conspiracy. While liberals push the public (government school) education reforms, and force feed liberal lack of morals, (sex education for kindergartners, and “Gay Pride” story books, the children face another assault. The food police are out en masse to protect these little ones from the greatest threat of all: chocolate milk. In the name of fighting obesity, school lunch programs are being pressured to omit chocolate milk in favor of plain white milk. Along with taking pretzels out of vending machines, Mrs. Obama is joining the campaign to fight obesity in children by removing “reduced-fat” chocolate milk from their choices for lunch. Liberals are all for choice for teenage girls who want to kill unborn babies, but they don’t want them to drink chocolate milk while they deliberate this.

Lastly: A Generation of Nincompoops: An article that appeared in the 9/28/10 Post and Courier, written by Beth J. Harpaz, AP, notes that we as a country are in a quandary because of a generation of nincompoops being raised today. Harpaz noted that there are second-graders who can’t tie their shoes or zip jackets, four-year-olds still in diapers, five-year-olds still in strollers, teens who can’t operate can openers or get ice out of an ice tray, and college students who have never done laundry, ridden a bus alone, addressed an envelope, or figured out how to use a coat hanger.

These kids have been raised with so much technology, and parents doing everything for them that they can’t function on the basic level. One mom said her kids are so used to pull-tab cans, they have never used a can opener. She said kids are so used to throwing their clothes on the floor, or hanging them on a hook, they can’t get clothes to hang straight on a hanger. While watching a morning news program this week, highlighted were families trying to take their children to dinner at a restaurant, a higher level eatery than a quick drive-through. These kids were so unruly that they shrieked loudly instead of talking, they mashed food and pushed it on the floor, they achieved the feat of taking over the restaurants so people without children in tow, were very turned off by the scene. Banning out-of-control children was a choice of one restaurant.

I say this: It isn’t the NEXT generation that WILL BE nincompoops. It’s the parents now who have no clue. It is the parents’ responsibility to be teaching manners, “public voice” vs. “home voice” to these cherubs. These parents starting at age one day should be teaching the children responsibility of group presence, of basic home making skills, home care, cooking. When the children and grandchildren come home, these parents will only need to look in a mirror to see where the fault lies. One group of nincompoops raising the next generation.

Just sending millions of dollars into the educational swamp will not teach children to tie their shoes, zip their jackets, pick up eighth-grader illiteracy rates. It isn’t the teachers’ responsibility to do these things. It is the parents’ (plural) responsibility. Little Johnny should be able to read his primer, and know his letters, colors and numbers before he starts school. These are basics to be learned at home, along with manners, respect for others, and the basics of getting along with those around you.

“The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame.” Proverbs 29:15

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Hang Onto Your Wallets-Part II

Today (9-23-10) parts of Obamacare go into effect. While I don’t claim to be an expert on this policy, one part I am aware of is that children now can stay on their parents’ insurance until age 26. Another part is insurance companies can’t discriminate against children with pre-existing conditions.

To counter the economics of this new “benefit” insurance companies, en-masse, are no longer writing policies for individual children. The children can ONLY get insurance through their parents’ policies. If children between age 19 and 26 had previously left their parents’ insurance, they can now go back onto it.

 Another fact about Obamacare is that the hidden tax secrets are still coming to light. I received several e-mails about how Obamacare will impose a sales tax of 3.8% on home sales. I looked into it, and this ONLY comes into play when a single person sells a home and the profit is over $250,000, or a married couple sells a home and the profit is over $500,000. Now, remember, Obama is going to let Bush tax rules expire on 1/1/11. That is when capital gains on things go way up. So in addition to a bigger hit on capital gains, there will be an additional 3.8% “sales tax” on home sales.

In addition to the “sales tax” on real estate sales, the Obamacare tax plan will charge this 3.8% tax on interest, dividends, annuities, royalties all capital gains, and RENTS for individuals who earn over $200,000 and joint-filers who report over $250,000. So, regardless of the Bush tax cuts that will soon expire, Obama has already passed legislation to “hit the rich” an additional 3.8% surtax on their various incomes.

Not discussed on nightly news are the various penalties in the Obamacare for folks who don’t want to, or can’t afford to buy health insurance. Also, the insurances people might choose to buy might not suit the federal government, and then there will be penalties.

Penalties for individuals without insurance will be $695, or 2.5% of their annual income. Families will have to pay $347 per child, or up to $2,250 per family if parents can’t show they have purchased policies approved by Feds.

Employers with more than 50 employees who don’t offer government approved insurance will pay a yearly penalty of $2,000 per employee.

In addition to all the above, the Medicare tax on people earning over $200,000 will pay an additional .9% for Medicare tax.

In addition to these punitive taxes, there is a new 2.9% federal sales tax on medical equipment or devices.

In all this “spreading the wealth,” Obama has given the IRS powers to jail people who refuse to buy health insurance. Of course they will first attach tax refunds, bank accounts and other assets. When that doesn’t get results, they have the power to jail the dastardly person.

This new Obamacare will actually help the job market as there will be 16,500 IRS auditors hired to implement these tax collections. Get your resumes ready!

(The above information was taken from an article by Paul Guppy, vice president of research at Washington Policy Center, an independent non-partisan research organization in Washington State.)

The election will be November 2. Last date to register is Oct. 2. BE REGISTERED AND VOTE FOR CHANGE, or change will be all you have.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Hold Onto Your Wallets--And Bank Accounts

The U.S. Department of Labor released a news brief about joint hearings by Dept. of Labor’s Employee Benefits Security Administration (ESBA) and the Dept. of Treasury in Washington, D.C. this week (9/14 and 9/15). The two departments were to discuss lifetime income options for retirement plans.

The whole philosophy of this proposal is that people who worked diligently for their whole working lives are not capable of doing simple math, and do not have the capacity of self-discipline to manage their own funds, and it is the government responsibility to protect these people from themselves.

What would you say if the federal government just found out it had access to $7.8 trillion, nearly enough to pay off the national debt? Well, they seem to have found it under a mattress, YOURS! This amount is what is reported by Investment Company Institute as the total funds in private IRA, 401K, 427 and 403b accounts, as of 2009. And they are working to get their hands on it.

In an article on American Thinker, Peter Raymond describes this evil scheme. Under investigation at this time is how to access these funds in the guise of protecting the people from their own ignorance. Raymond writes, there will be a two-step process. The state “will fabricate and incessantly excoriate a contrived crisis or social injustice.” Then they will “craft” legislation “disguised as a necessary and compassionate solution that makes participation and universal funding compulsory.”

Another writer quoted in Raymond’s article, Patrick Heller, wrote a warning to individuals and small businesses to protect their wallets and bank accounts. Don’t be caught up in this folly of being too stupid to protect yourself.

Heller wrote that the government will start by throwing around terms such as “retirement income protection.” The government will then take ownership of assets in IRA and 401K accounts and replace them with US government “Treasury Retirement Bonds.” They are proposing an interest rate of 3%, as most banks now pay squat on certificates of deposit and other savings accounts. Then, Heller says, at the time of retirement “the individual’s retirement account would be converted into an annuity. Once the individual is deceased, the individual’s heirs would not inherit anything.” The account will be closed, and the government gets to keep all these funds.

The reason for this move is: these funds become available to individuals in one-lump sum at retirement age, and the government claims they (the people) are too ignorant to do the math. Say you are 65 when you cash in your IRA or 401K, and you hope to life to be 100. If you have $500,000 in your retirement, you need to divide by 35 (years) to come up with how much you can withdraw each your, (about $14,285 per year.) (Forget any interest, as there might not be enough to worry about.) The government wants to create this “Treasury Retirement Bonds” scheme to protect individuals from running out of money before they die.

If you believe them, your heirs will lose access to these funds upon your death. And YOU will lose access to these funds should you need them for emergencies, changes in lifestyle situations, nursing home payments of self or loved ones, or to bequeath to your grandchildren.

You say, this can’t be happening! GM was taken over by the Feds, as was Chrysler Corp. The stocks of Americans, valued in the millions, was turned over to the unions. Brazil already confiscated their citizens' retirement accounts in 2008.

This thievery must be stopped before it goes any farther. Contact your legislators and tell them emphatically that you do not need the government’s help to supervise and manage your own accounts.

When you walk through a street and a person puts his hand in your pocket to steal your wallet, you can do something about it. But, for some reason, Congress can lie and steal and, what happens to them? They usually get reelected!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

To Burn or Not to Burn!

The clergyman in Florida who plans to burn a Koran is raising a lot of fury around the world. Many have come out in opposition to his decision to burn the Muslim religious book. While in America, the president and his administration has said he has a right to do so, constitutionally, it is just wrong.

A few weeks ago the president was asked about the Ground Zero-mosque situation, and the Muslims demand to be able to build their mosque and educational center where they want. The president said that they were within their constitutional right to build it. He did NOT say that, in his opinion, it was wrong. Millions of Americans around the country are crying foul that he won’t come out and say it is wrong.

I ask you, what is the difference? BOTH questions are constitutionally allowed, but BOTH are just plain morally wrong.

The Imam in New York could accept the governor’s offer and move the mosque to a different nearby location, a few blocks further away from Ground Zero. Ground Zero is Holy Ground. It has the blood of men and women from America and around the world, including Muslims, soaked into the ground. It the last resting place for thousands. If the intent of the Imam was to just build an educational and cultural center, it wouldn’t matter if it were moved a little ways up the street. If, on the other hand, his intent is to have the Muslim faith, and Muslim radicals “shove the mosque in the face of Americans” to further insult our senses, his hate is a vitriolic as the preacher in Florida. Both men are wrong in their intent and in their actions.

Christians know that the way to “win friends and influence people” is by being nice and showing Christ’s love to others. A radical Muslim once stated that in this war of terrorists, the Muslims will win. He said in effect, “You Christians, if struck, are taught to turn the other cheek. We are taught to just kill as many of you as we can.”

Burning a Koran will not stop this war on terror. It will only make things worse. The preacher stated that if the president or his administration would contact him, he would reconsider burning the Koran. Maybe the president will speak out and talk to this man to bring down the level of hate and hostility. He didn’t do it in New York, but maybe he will do it in Florida.

Friday, September 3, 2010

What Kind of Evil Between Nov. 2 and Dec. 31?

With the election on Nov. 2, polls state many Democrats will be voted out. While to some of us freedom-loving Americans, this is great news, we also must be aware that this gives the O-pposition sixty days to wreak havoc on America. One plan already in the making is the “Debt Free America Act,” also known as H.R. 4646.

This act was written “to establish a fee on transactions which would eliminate the national debt and replace the income tax on individuals.”

You can bet your next grandchild that the Congress will not eliminate the individual income tax.

But, what is this Debt Free America Act? It is a 1 percent tax on any and every bank transaction, “any transaction that uses a payment instrument, including any check, cash, credit card, transfer of stock, bonds, or other financial instrument.” These transactions “include retail and wholesale, purchases of intermediate goods, and financial and intangible transactions.”

A “person becomes liable for the fee at the moment the person exercises control over a piece of property or service, regardless of the payment method.”

The fee “will be collected by the seller or financial institution servicing the transaction and shall be paid over to the Secretary.”

A generous federal government will give a credit of 1% to a taxpayer’s adjusted gross income. The fact that Social Security, SSI, and SSDI checks are not taxable income is irrelevant to this new thievery. And the capped adjustment for a credit is $10,000 for an individual and $20,000 for a couple filing joint returns.

Of course, the federal government will need a whole new task force to implement this new tax, and force people into compliance. A task force is already in place working on this evil act.

It is time now to stop this evil act before it is even voted on. Americans must make noise, contact your senators and representatives before the election to have them pull this evil act from being considered.

The deadline for voting on this act is December 28th, just when all those lame-duck representatives and senators will be out of office.

With the country is such an economic spiral, this evil act of oppression by finitely controlling every cent coming and going, will absolutely kill this country. Maybe that is their objective all along.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Just a Few Questions

I have a few questions that have remained unanswered, even after reading the newspaper and watching the news on TV.

Many times we’ve been told to be prepared for a hurricane, but, other than getting into some mode of transportation and leaving the area, how does one prepare for a hurricane? Other than knowing what’s going on around you at all times, how do you prepare for a hurricane?

How does our president, a man who makes a statement one day and retracts it the next, negotiate a peace settlement between two warring factions that have been killing each other for over 3500 years?

How is it that a baseball player can be accused of lying by Congress and taken to court to be tried, and be punished, but the Congress can lie to the citizens of the United States, and steal from the citizens of the United States, and NOT be tried in court and convicted?

How is it that Congress can find enough money to send billions of dollars in aid to foreign countries, but can’t find enough money to buy toilet paper for the schools?

How is that hope & change thing working out for you? Did you get the change you hoped for? Unemployment? Recession? Depression? Government take over of private industries? Home foreclosures? Bank failures? Do you feel a lot better now? Has the wealth been all spread around so you have all you need and want? Or, is change all you have? Loose change?

Just a few questions…

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Schools Start, and Have New Focus

I was in church last night and, before the services started I witnessed a young girl (about age 12) with her little brother (about age 2.) She said, “A.” He repeated, “A.” Then, “B,” and he said, “B.” This went on and on through the alphabet. She was teaching him the alphabet. This child will grow up to never know what it is to NOT know his letters.

Here in the Lowcountry, schools have restarted for their fall programs. Thousands of children are geared up to return to, or start for the first time, school. School administrators are facing “not so good” progress in last year’s exit exams. I believe the alphabet soup name this year is ACT.

One nearby county superintendent has announced that they will focus on reading this year, so fourth and eighth graders can be tested on improved skills in basic reading and comprehension. Dear me, if they are waiting until fourth grade to see if kids can read, the kids will NEVER catch up.

One thing folks in the south don’t like to hear is how things are done somewhere else—or “from off.” As a person who came “from off” I have seen the educational systems of two cultures. “From off” where I lived and raised three children who were all accepted to their higher education of choice, I can relate how it was done “up there in the land of off.”

When a child turned three year’s old, they were tested for emotional and educational potential achievement. How was this done? All children when they turned three were brought into the classroom and scored on emotional stability. Could they be away from Mom for a short period of time without crying? Could they play with other kids without outbursts, fighting, biting, etc.

Then they were tested academically. Did they know their letters, numbers, colors, shapes? Could they say the alphabet? Could they count to 10, to 20? If NOT, these children, and only these children, were brought into the classroom atmosphere to learn these skills. And the parent was advised to accompany them frequently, so as to educate the parent on what was expected of their child.

In the land of “from off” reading was highly encouraged as a daily activity, with parents reading aloud to their children daily for at least 15 minutes. The parents were told through PTA groups that when children saw parents reading, this encouraged the children to want to read.

I think it is highly important for schools to try to focus on reading. However, to get the children the best start in life, another program could be implemented. This program would quiz new mothers on their reading skills when a baby is born—in the hospital. If a new mom has difficulty, she should be encouraged to join a literacy group, or even a book club. New moms with low literacy skills should be given books suitable to first graders to read to their babies. If a mom reads to her baby from day one, both the mother and the baby will benefit.

If this country really wants to jump-start its schools in this area of reading, it could be quite easy, and a lot less expensive than raising illiterate children doomed to be the next generation of high school drop-outs on welfare.

This country is in a mess right now, with the economy in the tank, and jobs scares. Raising another generation of children who can’t read or write, or do their numbers should NOT be an option.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

What’s Depressing You Today?

Let me clarify, I am NOT a specialist on the economy. I studied it briefly in college, and received three credits. However, I have been a consumer since about age 12, so I am somewhat experienced in watching prices, working for a living, and seeing over 30% of my earned income go to others. You could say, I’ve been “spreading the wealth” for over 50 years.
My father was a confirmed Democrat—a died-in-the-wool union man, even a union officer. The company he worked for all the time I was growing up frequently called for strikes to improve the wages and benefits. Frequently they called the strikes near holidays, which left the workers and families in dire straits for the holidays.

When I started working for a taxable wage at age 18, and saw that over 30% of my pay went for various taxes, I became a Republican. No, I don’t think THEY have all the answers either.

Today we are going through an economic down-turn. In plain language, my opinion is, a recession is when there is a downturn in a good economy in which your neighbor loses his job, and possibly his home. A depression is when there is a prolonged down turn in the economy, and many more people lose their jobs, and more people lose, or come close to losing their homes. Repression is to hold back, to subdue, to control, to stifle free natural behavior, to prevent ideas from becoming reality. I believe this is where we are today.

We are in a very prolonged downturn in the economy, but it is politically incorrect to call it a depression. It might put fear into people’s hearts. Recessions are natural cycles in the world of economics. It is impossible to maintain a smooth operating economy. However, the government can do things to make it better, or then, worse.

Some people think the stimulus programs were right, and others think they were wrong. It’s possible that they were a good idea poorly implemented. However, some new programs initiated by our current administration are greatly WRONG and repressive in nature. The new Obamacare is repressive because it stifles business from hiring new workers. Letting the Bush taxes expire is repressive because it takes money out of the economy. All those new taxes passed with Obamacare are repressive because they impede hiring, and take money out of the economy.

While a country can come out of recessions by the government reducing taxes and encouraging free enterprise, national work projects that actually build something (like the CCC or WPA in the ‘30’s) might be of use in a depression. Some economists today said they only prolonged the pain. And it was the high military build up of WWII that brought America out the Great Depression.

However, repressing initiatives, blocking individual entrepreneurs, putting too many restrictions on business, trying to control everything and everyone, (media, public opinion) will only prolong the pain. One economist diagrammed the economy as a V, a U, a W, or an L. A “V” is a recession that has a sharp dip, but quick recovery. These are normal. A “U” is a recession that is prolonged and slower to recover. An “L” is actually a depression—a sharp dip followed by a straight line, slow or no recovery. Beware of the “W”. That is a quick drop in the economy, followed by some recovery, followed by another dip. Hopefully this will rise again.

With our current administration, I don’t think they know where we are. They are saying we are in a slow recovery, and the recession has ended. If they are telling the truth then this is a jobless recovery, and for many, a homeless recovery.

This country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles, independent thinking and self-discipline. Self-government won’t work without self-discipline. People were willing to work and sacrifice for what they wanted. Those unwilling to work were put “outside the camp.” We’ve lost our self-sufficiency in lieu of government handouts. We must go back to making things, growing things—to use for ourselves or to sell.

Morality and self-discipline are the keys to successful capitalism.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Psychology of Sharing

As a mother of three, I have first hand experience of trying to get kids to learn to share. Most children before the age of five or six do not share willingly. It’s usually, “That’s MINE!” (shriek…hair pull) When my boys were little, (ages 2+ up to age 7) I bought everything in two’s and wrote their names on theirs. They learned to read their name before learning “See Spot Run!”
Many times I was referee of timing how long a child could play with something when there was only one. A timer came in handy. Then it took cajoling to get the possessee to relinquish whatever was being disputed.

When the child learned that he had a good chance of getting back his whatever, he became more cooperative about sharing. Ownership was paramount. A child should never be made to share what is dear. And, even later in life, the possession should never be given away without the child’s permission.

I remember at about age eight, an uncle of mine who worked in a manufacturing plant that made toys gave me a doll carriage for Christmas. It was nearly the size of a real baby carriage. And I prized it greatly. Eventually I outgrew the desire to push it around the neighborhood, but I never stopped liking it intensely, and never stopped thinking it as MINE!! (No I didn’t shriek or pull hair then.)

Imagine my extreme dismay when I returned home from school one day (at about age 14) and learned my mother had given it away! Of course, her mind, and reasoning was, “You haven’t played for it in years. You’re too old for dolls or doll carriages.” My argument was simply, “But, Ma, It’s MINE!!!” And I came close to the shriek. All to no avail.

Fast-forward to 2010. We now have a president who thinks nothing about taking what is MINE!!! Or YOURS!!! And giving it to someone else. It’s called redistributing the wealth. It’s called being fair. (It’s also called stealing, lying, and just downright NOT FAIR.)

The president has now put the country in such a fix economically that our great grandchildren’s toys will already have been given away to today’s children, in the guise of Obamacare, bank bailouts, Government Motors, stimulus plans that take from food stamp programs to give to education programs.

While we tried to teach our children that hard work pays off, today there is no work. And children are seeing that they can get what they want without working. There is a definite lack of respect by the government for personal ownership. It’s “not fair” if you work all your life and expect to retire on Social Security, because other people who haven’t worked, still get a monthly check.

During the Bush administration, Mr. Bush tried to discuss putting Social Security on firmer ground by allowing people to save into a private retirement fund, and cut how much they put into Social Security. These personal retirement funds would be their own money, not absorbed by the government into a black hole that the worker never gets back. But, Mr. Bush was berated off the stage for this, and the idea died. Now the O administration wants people to do both, continue paying into Social Security, AND save for their own retirement, because chances are very high that current workers will not collect anything from Social Security. This is because the O administration thinks what’s YOURS is really THEIRS, and THEY want it to be redistributed around the country for folks who are less inclined to work. The O administration is saying, “What you have is MINE!!!” (shriek, hair pull)!!

I tried to teach my children that when you take something that isn’t yours, without permission and agreement of the owner, it was called stealing. You could go to jail for it. Now you just get elected president.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The REAL Economy

I went shopping today for groceries, and embarrassed my husband, for which I am truly sorry. However, since he can’t read minds, maybe he can forgive me.

We were standing in line at checkout, third back from the register. An older gentleman, (not old, as we were probably about the same age) was there buying some food. He was paying with change. The cashier was patiently helping him count out his pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters trying to come to the required amount. This went on for several minutes. The longer it took, the hotter I got, not because of the TIME it took to count change out, but because of the NECESSITY of the situation.

I wasn’t angry about this man using coins to pay for his food, I was angry at the fall in our economy that brings a person to counting out the change in his pocket to buy food. I know someone who also paid for their groceries this week with change, but this person went to the bank with the change and converted it to dollars.

Again, I wasn’t angry at this man, or the time. I was embarrassed to be watching him in his time of need. I wanted to just go forward and pay for his food, but this would have embarrassed him more. So I did what I thought best, and moved to a self-check-out place. Of course, since I was already at the end of my patience, this was a bad move. This is where my husband got embarrassed. I couldn’t run that silly machine. And then I cancelled the operation and put my food back in my wagon and went to a place where a live person was working. (Why this store only has one or two live people checking out people on a busy shopping day, I don’t know.) Anyway, this move to a third register was seen as a hissy-fit by my husband, and as I said at the beginning, I am sorry for this.

However, I am sorrier that this country has fallen to the level that a person has cashed in their coins. What do they do next? This was where my mind was when I showed so little patience. Maybe it was fear. Maybe it was anger at the government. Whatever it was, hissy-fits don’t help. But watching a grown man count change for bread just got to me. I will pray God will give him more change, or even a few dollars so he can shop again next week. And I pray he will increase my patience. I know that I need it.

Monday, August 2, 2010

If It Walks Like a Duck...

Much of the Left Liberal Political view is very upset to be called socialists. But, if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it is a duck, or a socialist. We have a very socialistic bent to our government today, both state and federal. What? you ask. Why do  you say that?

We have a totalitarian despot for a president. We have programs in place that take from those who work and give to those who don't in the name of "redistributing the wealth" of this country. We have state and federal programs that go beyond anything that can be paid for by the current fiscal year's tax revenues. And it is just getting worse.

Obamacare is more than just getting medical coverage to those who don't have insurance.There are IRS rules in it now coming to light that will make it a paper trail nightmare for anyone doing business. 1099 forms will have to be filed by any and every business whose purchases exceed $600. Why? So the federal government can cross reference and make sure those business report all your purchases of copy paper or ink cartridges. Obamacare implementation will have their new Czar Dr. Donald Berwick, head of Medicare and Medicaid, taking from Medicare to give to all the new people coming into Medicaid. This appointment of Berwick came over Independence Day weekend when Congress was in recess. Obama is about to make another "recess decision" with an edict about immigration.

Illegal Immigration: In a recent article on American Thinker Jed Skillman notes that years ago, Colin Powell warned G.W. Bush about the "Pottery Barn Rule." He said, if you break something, it's yours. You break it, you own it."

Today, Obama has fought Arizona on it's new laws about illegal immigration. By "breaking something" (interfering) the problem became Obama's. During the last election Arizona Senator, John McCain tried to work on a comprehensive immigration reform package. This was fought on both sides. Now, his own state has enacted some strict rules, and Obama has taken the state to court, in effect, at least temporarily putting a halt to the most strict rules. Other states are trying to protect their borders, their workers, their employers, but Obama came out and saying, Not so Fast, It's the federal government's job. Well, now that we hear this is the federal government's job, DO SOMETHING!! But what is Obama about to do? He has a memo in place that would make a recess edict while Congress is out for the remainder of the summer to give amnesty to illegal immigrants. It's called "paroled-in-place." These folks would then have the ability to NOT be deported, and just stay in place and work out their immigration status and problems.

Economic Slavery: The illegal immigration problem is just one cog in the wheel of economic instability in America. We have so many programs to pay people NOT to work, programs to be paid for by the people who do work (now less than 47% ). Entitlements: welfare, Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security...all these programs have been put in place by the benevolent government to assist Americans. Actually, they were put in place to have Americans become dependent on the government. Dependency is control. This is economic slavery. There isn't any legal way an American can avoid this situation. Without recourse, Social Security and Medicare taxes are withheld from a person's pay, and matching funds are collected from employers. No choices there. Other tax structures are in place to penalize you for saving money: higher taxes on interest, dividends and capital gains than on earned income. The banking industry has been so marginalized that there is no interest paid to a savings account. Retirement leads a person to collect Social Security, and then become "one of them" getting a check without working. The unemployment was just extended again for those poor souls who still can't find work. Most all parts of the employment picture is still slow to recover.

One picture of growth comes from a report of new job growth. In another article on American Thinker, Phil Boehmke reports that in the stimulus programs that was supposed to create or save jobs the construction industry has been particularly hard hit. The "shovel ready" jobs did not materialize. However, there has been a number of new companies getting into the "hardened structures" business...offering a variety of "survival shelters,"  including an "entry level six person steel unit with nuclear, biological, and chemical filtration." Cost for these start at about $36,000. Many companies are developing "fortified underground shelters" across America.

The census: We all remember that census debacle that just took place. You know, when they want to know everything about everyone living in your house, or might live in your house in the months ahead. (As far as I know, only God is all-knowing about the future.Not even Obama can predict things like this.) Anyway, stories are coming in about census workers and the way this census was done. One fellow reported he received a call on his cell phone (?).  He said the woman asked to ask some questions. He said, I already sent in the questionnaire. She asked if this was the Name, Name, Name, or Name residence? He said, none of the above. She asked if this was such and such address. He said no. Three times she asked the same questions. She had no name in her list, no correct address on  a sheet, and only a cell phone to get started with. And these were census workers. He hung up his phone and wrote the article. "Commenters" about this article questioned if the caller was really from the census, if so, why didn't she have any information to go with, and why the person called just didn't say "No" when she asked if she could asked some questions. The last I knew, phones still have a disconnect button. But, other "commenters" listed some harrowing tales of dealing with the Census workers. So, the unemployment dropped a few months, and then went back up. Government work is NOT real work. If you don't produce anything you can sell or trade you are at the mercy of this socialistic government run by despots in Washington.

To the young people about to start college, learn something that has a license attached, that you can do working with your hands, and get paid for it. Degrees are things you receive for taking enough courses to earn the credits. They do not always lead to stable employment.

And finally, our country is in a mess, run by people without a clue. However, even though they think they are the only people who know anything, there is One who knows more, (and it isn't O). God knows our future. He will take care of His own. If you are one of His, remember what David wrote in the Psalms, "I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread." Ps. 37:25. Stick close to God. Live for Him and not for the clowns who think they are in charge.

May God Bless...

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Shark Attacks!!

Just when you think it is safe to go back in the water, someone yells, "SHARK!" Just when we get used to a new mandate from Washington, DC, more fine print comes out.

The following are a few "fine print moments" of this past week:

Budget Doing Better than Expected: According to an AP story on Fox the Obama Administration announced that this year's budget deficit is expected to be $1.47 TRILLION. And that is LOWER than was expected. Hmmmm!

New Diplomatic Status for Palestinian Authority: According to Ed Lasky of America Thinker, the Obama Administration, who first bowed to its Arab friends in the middle East, who has pushed Israel toward giving up more and more to get peace talks going with the Palestinian Authority, has now upgraded the Palestinians diplomatic status. Now the Palestinian Authority's flag (same flag as the PLO terrorist's flag) will fly proudly in Washington, D.C. What did the PA give up for this diplomatic upgrade by Obama? Nothing!

What's in a Word: Obama and his administration have, by fiat and use, changed the Constitution. Where once it was that we have "freedom of religion," Obama and his administration say now it is "freedom of worship." Not quite the same thing.

In an article by Randy Sly of American Thinker, Sly writes, "Language matters when it comes to defining freedom and limits. A shift from freedom of religion to freedom of worship moves the dialog from the world stage into the physical confines of a church, temple, synagogue, or mosque. Such limitations can unleash an unbridled initiative that we have only experienced in a mild way through actions determined to remove roadside crosses, wearing religious T-shirts and pro-life pins, as well as any initiatives of evangelization. It could exclude our right to raise our children in our faith, the right to religious education,literature or media...the right to express religious beliefs in the normal discourse of life."

We can still, at this time, gather to worship, but the tenants of our respective religions, to teach, preach and evangelize, could soon be considered hate crimes.

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? Another "shark attack" came to light this week in an article by Brenton Stransky, American Thinker. He explains that in the 2009 Economic Stimulus bill fine print is a mandate for doctors to install and use electronic records by 2014. Some stimulus funds were made available to accomplish this. Of course, the mainstream media didn't report another mandate--for all doctors to gather information and records to determine everyone's BMI--body mass index--and report this information to the federal government by 2014. You can almost see the next step, little government men in white coats knocking on our doors and going through our refrigerators and pantries for contraband food. Away with those eggs, muffins, soft drinks and ice cream, and in with the green-bean salads! Worse yet, taxing us for the wrong food we eat, or denying us health care for "self-inflicted" illnesses.

"There are gold in them thar' hills!" Lastly for today, the healthcare reform package that was rammed through without being read by House and Senate included a little tidbit. According to Henry Percy of American Thinker is a part on something very "non-medical." Without fanfare the federal government passed a line that future purchases of gold must be recordered and reported to the federal government.

Didn't FDR mandate that gold and silver held by private citizens be turned in--of course with compensation? Of course the compensation rate was set by the government. At present gold is about $1200 per ounce and silver at about $18 per once. Forward-thinking people, afraid of hyper-inflation, have been purchasing gold and silver bullion coins as a safety net for if/when the dollar loses its value. Will Obama, at some point, set a new rate and call in the gold and silver to balance out some of our tremendous federal debt? After all, "everyone must share the sacrifice."

Keep tuned. I will continue my research and make more posts in days to come.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Obama's Open Agendas

During the last presidential campaign it became evident that anyone who spoke out against Obama was called a racist. This threat to be named a racist even impeded John McCain from launching a full-fledged campaign. Any hints of anything negative brought out this racist attack. McCain even soft-pedaled  the "rumor" that Obama might be an Arab/Muslim. At a town-hall meeting a "sweet old lady" asked him if he thought Obama was an Arab/Muslim. He softly answered, I don't think so. Hmmm... Since day one of Obama's presidency he has given deference to Muslims over Christians at every opportunity.

To NOT be called a racist people overlooked many things when voting for president. They overlooked Obama's refusal to release his original birth certificate. (You'd be called a birther-racist for pushing this.)

They overlooked his refusal to release any college transcripts. (Could be those at Harvard at least might be under the name of Barry Soetoro, Jr.)

They overlooked his motives of being a community organizer: (power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Not my original words.)

No one would accept that his agenda and the agenda of his handlers was to bring down America and set up a dictatorship. You were just a racist who didn't want to see a black man elected president.

Obama has said that he is Christian, but I would hazard a guess that he has never read the Bible. If he had he wouldn't be preaching the redistribution of wealth agenda. Jesus explicitly taught to some would be given 10 talents, to some 5 talents and to some 1 talent. How one used the talent he was given would determine the rewards he would receive. Those who didn't use their one talent wisely would lose it. Those who used their talents wisely would be rewarded. The lazy who sit and wait (bury their talent in the ground) would have their one talent taken away to be given to another who had worked.

Obama's agenda isn't to motivate everyone into working harder, but to take from those who, with due diligence, "doubled their talents" and give the fruit of the ambitious to the slothful, lazy, uninitiated.

But,WHY is this Obama's agenda? In my view: to break down  this country from within; to take over America by presidential decree what he can't get by acts of congress; to weaken America's infrastructure by overwhelming the safety nets. (Google "Cloward-Piven Strategy" and see what comes up.)

Obama's formative years were all over the world, many years in South East Asia under Muslim teaching and Marxist role-models and mentors. He has no natural affection for America, only what he can get from America.  America's own turning from God and the original moral compass that created this country, has enabled Obama and his czars to set up shop in Washington, DC.

Steps already in motion for this collapse?

An ever burgeoning central government, with the accompanying unsustainable debt;

By presidential decree, the breakdown of capitalism, individual ownership, and individual rights;

The muzzling of the press: anyone who disagrees with these decadent despots is again called racists;

The weakening of America's security, military, by the blurring of the description of our enemies. Obama said not to use the term "Islamic terrorists" because not all Muslims are terrorists. But, to date, MOST terrorists have been Muslims, and THEY have a direct agenda: KILL ALL INFIDELS, all Non-Muslims, particularly Americans and Christians.

We just had revival meetings at our church. The visiting preacher said we should pray for the president. And  I do. I pray he will be converted to become a real Christian before he destroys America completely.

If he does, we will then see who pulls the strings of this puppet government we have in the White House today.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Don't Let the Sunny Daze of Summer Distract You

It's been said that "nothing much happens in Washington, DC in the month of July." Don't believe it. Keep your eyes and ears open!

A couple of things recently: The US Supreme Court had two decisions, one on hand guns and one on religion. The fair Judge Sotomayor who stated in her Senate confirmation hearings that she supported the Second Amendment and people's right to bear fire arms, voted against this in a recent 5-4 decision which the majority stated this Right to Bear Arms, was nation-wide, and states couldn't interfere.

In an other decision by the same court, the decision stated in effect, that religious groups couldn't prevent non-believers from "joining" their membership lists. This is like saying you don't have to be Christian to be Christian. How do you NOT have to be a Christian to belong to a Christian church or club? If you belonged to a butterfly-watching club, a club that promoted viewing peacefully butterflies in their natural habitat, you could be forced to allow butterfly-haters, whose agendas included squashing and killing  butterflies into your group. Many Christian-hating, atheistic-believing people would be able to come in and join your club, church, or other organization, become the voting majority, and close you down, or change your mission statement. Where is the sanity in this decision.

Speaking of the Supreme Court, Lady-in-waiting, Elena Kagen, is going through confirmation hearings. She will, if confirmed, be judging the ethics and law of the land. In her history on NON-JUDGING, (she has no history as a judge) she admitted to fraudulently revising an official medical opinion by the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. The society prepared a statement "its panel of experts found no circumstances in which the (partial birth abortion) procedure was the only option for saying the life of the woman."

Judge-to-be Kagen sent out an internal memo stating "This, of course, would be a disaster." She, therefore revised the language to the final statement that partial birth abortion "may be the best and most appropriate procedure in particular circumstances to save the life or preserve the health of the woman." (James Lewis, "Is Elena Kagen Morally Blind?" American Thinker 7/3/10).  And this woman will be deciding right and wrong of others!!!

Another thought of Washington, D.C.:  Why has NASA Administrator Charles Bolden been instructed to go to the Arab world to coddle Muslims, to "inspire" them in the space industry? Bolden reports the president ordered him to engage with Muslims to "help them feel good about their historic contribution to science." Is this the Sharia science of stoning women, or mutilating young girls, or putting to death anyone who converts from Islam to any other religion, particularly Christianity? Does the president want the Arab world capable of launching missiles capable of getting a man on the moon, but not capable of bombing Israel or the USA? Can he protect us from this "alternated use" of Arab science?

 Another weirdness happened recently in Massachusetts. A fool in charge of the high school made a rule that the pledge allegiance to the flag, didn't have to be said by anyone in high school, in fact, couldn't be said. A student protested, sued the school, and won a verdict that said, students could say the pledge on a voluntary basis in the school foyer, but not the class room. The reason behind the decision to NOT have the pledge in the classroom was the school committee didn't want to force teachers in leading the pledge. DIDN'T WANT TO FORCE THEM TO LEAD THE PLEDGE!!!!!  With all the unemployment in this country, and with many teachers losing their jobs, this school committee, who probably didn't want to say "under God" themselves, and therefore didn't want to force others to say "under God," denied all children from hearing and saying the pledge. Where is the sanity here? Saying the pledge together should be a unifying action, not a disruptive action.

Another thing on this theme: Unity in America. How do  you build a United States of America? First, America deserves and needs your allegiance. If you don't want to pledge your allegiance, leave! Second, you need a common language. If you don't want to learn English, leave! Third it costs money to protect our liberty from outside forces, and disreputable inside forces. If you don't want to pay "your fair share," leave! No "working under the table." No working without a Social Security card. No collecting any type of welfare if you aren't a citizen.  No Medicaid card without being a citizen.

The current administration is looking for ways to increase taxes to pay for all the programs in place. Some programs are new, others have been there a while. So the talk is tweeking Social Security so those under 50 years of age won't collect much, if any. The talk is for folks to plan on individual retirement plans to offset what they would have gotten from Social Security. Gee, doesn't that sound like what President Bush was crucified for suggesting? 

Many of those presidential edicts are going into action this summer. It may be vacation time, but sleep with one eye open, and your hand on your wallet.

Friday, July 2, 2010

July 4, 2010--Independence Day

"We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with inalienable rights that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." (From the Declaration of Independence)

On all our money is printed the words, "In God We Trust." Legislative sessions on most states and in Congress are preceded by prayer, and in most cases, to the Lord Jesus Christ.

With all this in mind, how can some fool in a black robe with the mentality of a poke weed arbitrarily cancel the National Day of Prayer? Are we not still one nation under God?

How can we kill millions of babies each year, and still be guaranteed life by the Constitution? Here again, fools in black robes have decided some lives are worth less and others are worth more. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say that some lives are worth less, and others are worth more. And what part of that ruling by fools in black robes comes under the heading "pursuit of happiness?"

You have to have Life to have Liberty, and to be able to pursue Happiness. Human life is an important factor in Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Happy 4th of July Pursuing Life, Liberty and Happiness. 

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Who's In Charge?

Having lived through parts of thirteen presidential administrations, I can only remember one other time in my life when I felt that no one was in charge, during the Jimmy Carter years.

Who is in charge now?

No one seems to be in charge of this mess in the gulf.

The oil continues to flow onto pristine beaches from Florida to Louisiana. The US has 2000 skimmer boats available to the gulf, but only 20 are deployed. Why?

Apparently, there is no one in charge at the State Department.

Our Secretary of State travels around the world and while out of the country announces that the U S government is going to sue the State of Arizona for wanting to protect its borders. Eighteen other states are pushing for similar legislation. Is Washington going to sue all of them? If the Federal Government would stop looking at potential voters, and see illegals coming across the border, maybe state and federal would work together on this mess.

Apparently there is no one in charge of the military.

Valiant soldiers are out on the streets of Afghanistan and unable to pursue the enemy without the Afghan government permission. Why? The president says they will continue with the surge, but leave in a year. What was that?

No one seems to be in charge in Congress.

They can't even write a budget. They don't want us to see all those RED zeros. The national debt will soon tip the scale of no return. Trillions... has at least 12 zeros in it.

Is there anyone in charge of the White House?

It's almost funny to see the woman of the house out promoting healthy eating and exercise, counting our grams of fat and salt, and then see the man of the house smoking cigarettes, and eating the biggest burgers and fries with the Russian president. In the days of Rome it was said Rome burned while Nero played his fiddle. In our case, he smokes, plays golf and eats burgers.

Is anyone in charge of the country's moral compass?

We have the government dismissing anything with a hint of Christianity, like a fly-over in a military ceremony. We have a president who cancelled a national day of prayer, but met with the Muslims to celebrated their holidays. We have Christians who are led to hand out tracts about Jesus in Dearborn, Michigan getting arrested because Muslims get angry. Apparently there was a gathering of Muslims and the Dearborn police saw a reason to put in place a No Bible Zone of FIVE SQUARE BLOCKS.!!! Whatever happened to freedom of religion and freedom of speech? Has the Constitution been revoked?

Is there anyone in charge of the country's infrastructure?

What is the cost to the economy of vehicle repair due to bad roads? How many bridges in YOUR area need replacing?

Is there anyone in charge of the agricultural community?

Creating bio-fuel only increased the price of fuel and food, as both energy users and people who eat are competing for the same field of corn. Truckers move things across America. It used to be that diesel cost less than gasoline. Not any more. Ever wonder why the cost of food has gone up so fast?

Is there anyone in charged of the country's commerce?

With continued uncertainty in Washington about health costs, changes in taxes, many businesses are afraid to make any progressive moves due to the total lack of leadership inside the beltway.

Is there anyone in charge of the country's safety?

There are many under-the-table moves to control the guns of private, law-abiding citizens. Every day a new bill makes its way to the Internet warning Americans that the Second Amendment is still being challenged by the bad guys. We read of home invasions, burglaries, purse-snatchings, bank robberies, street gangs. And what is the answer? "Guns increase violence," is the Left's cry. But, time and time again, the figures show that guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens drops the crime rates because thugs think twice if they know the person on the other side of the door could shoot them first!

This country is in a mess. There isn't much an individual person can do except continue pressing on. Don't quit supporting our troops. Buy things made in America, if you can find them. Learn to shoot and get your permit...while you can. Continue spreading the Word about Jesus, because ultimately He is the only answer.

Through all the turmoil here and around the world, remember, truly, only God is in charge, and His judgment will be final! There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth and people will plead, "in thy name [have I not] done many wonderful works?" And Jesus will reply, "I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." Matthew 7:22-23

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Fatherhood--the Most Important Role a Man Can Have

Whether a man is a biological father, an adoptive father, a step-father, a favorite uncle, or a kindly neighbor, being a father figure to a child is the most important role a man can have. Mentoring a child into maturity, endowing them with self-worth, not false self-esteem, can have a life-time affect. Memories of activities, adventures, and simply just time well spent will stay with a child forever. The building bones of character and moral compass comes from these relationships.

I have many treasured memories of my father as I grew up. He was often somewhat of a taskmaster with discipline,  but he had his softer sides. Quite often our weekends were toodling around rural New England seeing sights and visiting distant relatives. My mom could usually find a gift shop that displayed many different types of baskets. She would cajole my father into stopping. He always bought her some type of  basket in which she could store her sewing or knitting supplies. And, always this was topped off with ice cream cones.

Sometimes my dad would say, "Anyone want to go ..." fishing, or boating on the reservoir, or to a ballgame at Fenway Park. My sisters usually weren't interested, so it would be my dad and me. As another girl, it wasn't that I was that fond of fishing, though I loved going to Fenway. It's just I loved spending time with my dad.

It's VERY important fathers offer their time to their kids. And it's VERY important for kids to perceive these times as  building blocks of forever memories. What you DO isn't important. It isn't necessary to make great plans that are complex or expensive. Just time--alone, Dad and Kid.

My dad has passed on, and not a day goes by but I miss him. But I have the memories of fishing, boating, and riding the Post Road Bus to Boston to spend whole days in Boston at Fenway Park. They were times of just the two of us, cherished in my heart and mind forever.

If you have the heart of a child, or still have a father, or father figure, do something special this Father's Day to create some lasting, character building memories.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Update on Yesterday's Post

Much fury has been printed about the NRA's decision to "make a deal" with the devils in Washington, DC. I will not address that at this time. However, I read on American Thinker a post by Mark J. Fitzgibbons where he discusses this, and states at the end of his post:

"Update: Nancy Pelosi has pulled the vote on the DISCLOSE bill. John Bresnahan of Politico writes:

'Following a rebellion by two important factions of rand-and-file House Democrats, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has pulled a campaign-finance bill opposed by a broad coalition of special interest groups, including the U. Sc. Chamber of Commerce.

'Pelosi and other Democratic leaders had scheduled a Friday vote on the DISCLOSE Act, a bill requiring special-interest groups to disclose their top doners if they choose to run TV ads or send out mass mailings in final months of an election. The legislation is designed to roll back the controversial Supreme Court decision in the Citizens United case which overturned restrictions on corporate campaign activities.'"

Apparently, even though the NRA made a deal with the devil, other affected groups who were going to be greatly affected by this onerous bill that greatly affected free speech, had to continue making noise.

Friends, stay alert. Read non-mainstream media news outlets. You won't hear anything about this on regular news. Continue making news!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Freedom of Speech vs. U. S. Congress

The politicians in Washington, D.C. today must really fear the National Rifle Association, and its members. Otherwise, why should they work so hard to suppress them? In case anyone hasn't heard, there is a bill in Congress at this moment that is called the DISCLOSE Act. H.R. 5175. This act, if passed, is a result of the Supreme Court overruling the McCain/Feingold Act that would have controlled/restricted donations to political campaigns and dissent on policies in Washington. It is in fact a back door way to strangle free speech. The bill will target not the group, but individual members in a group. Once the DISCLOSE Act has silenced groups, it will go after independent protesters: individual writers, bloggers, anyone who disagrees with what is happening in Washington.

How does this affect the NRA? The NRA has a war chest of millions that is uses to fight laws on gun control, and other Second Amendment issues. It keeps its members updated on how the despots in Washington work to stifle free speech (First Amendment) and the right to bear arms (Second Amendment). The DISCLOSE Act puts onerous regulations on those who protest. Initially, anyone who would pay for opposition ads in a political campaign would have to divulge its members list and large donors to the cause. The NRA does not want to divulge its members list because the next step is for the government to contact each member and harass them by any means at the government's disposal.

In a move to silence the NRA, and to protect the members list, the Democrats proposed to "exempt" the NRA and "other groups like the NRA" (quote from letter from NRA dated 6/15/10)from this bill. (Under further investigation, the only group actually exempted is the NRA. )

NRA's letter, in part, stated:


The National Rifle Association believes that any restriction on the political speech of Americans are unconstitutional.

In the past, through the courts and in Congress, the NRA has opposed any effort to restrict the rights of its four million members to speak and have their voices heard on behalf of gun owners nationwide.

The NRA's opposition to restrictions on political speech includes its May 26, 2010 letter to Members of Congress expressing strong concerns about H.R. 5175, the DISCLOSE Act. As it stood at the time of that letter, the measure would have undermined or obliterated virtually all of the NRA's right to free political speech, and therefore, jeopardized the Second Amendment rights of every law-abiding American.

The most potent defense of the Second Amendment requires the most adamant exercise of the First Amendment, in order to protect and preserve the freedom of the Second Amendment.

The NRA must preserve its ability to speak. It cannot risk a strategy that would deny rights, for the Second Amendment cannot be defended without them.

Thus, the NRA's first obligation must be to its members and to its most ardent defence of firearms freedom for America's lawful gun owners.

On June 14, 2010, Democratic leadership in the U.S. House of Representatives pledged that H.R. 5175 would be amended to exempt groups like the NRA, that meet certain criteria, from its onerous restrictions on political speech. As a result, and as long as that remains the case, the NRA will not be involved in final consideration of the House bill.

Many bloggers are saying the NRA sold out. Others are saying they blinked first. MY mind says they felt it more important, at this time, to preserve their ability to speak on other issues (gun owners rights, etc) than to continue to be vocal on this bill. Whatever the case, IF the NRA stands silent on this bill, it is everyone else's responsibility to stand up and protest. Letters and e-mails to Congress, House and Senate, must be sent immediately. This bill is being debated now. Urge your Senators and Representatives that a vote FOR H.R. 5175 is a vote FOR gun control, and AGAINST the First and Second Amendments.

Everyone reading this should send letters to their U.S. Representatives and Senators to express their outrage on this feigned finance campaign issue, to the real issue, if one group or one person's freedom of speech in infringed upon, then no one is safe!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

"You're a Grand Old Flag!"

Here it is, June 14th, Flag Day in America. Which flag are you flying today?
Mexican-American? Italian-American? British-American? Spanish-American? Canadian-American? African-American? Regardless of your heritage, it should be plain, old American, the Stars and Stripes. If you live here and breathe the fresh, free air that millions have died to preserve, you should proudly fly the American flag!!!

I know I will probably date myself, but one of my favorite movies (I saw it on TV) was the life of George M. Cohan, Yankee Doodle Dandy. This film traced his life from his birth (said to be July 4th, but might have been July 3rd), through his broadway days where he wrote patriotic plays about America, and wrote numerous very patriotic tunes, "You're A Grand Old Flag," "We're Not Coming Home 'til It's Over Over There," and many more. His plays were filled with Old Glory. His patriotism was never questioned.

Back in the early days of America, before the "love-ins" and "liberations" of anyone who felt opressed (women, etc) when people came to America they felt proud to be finally called AMERICANS!!! They rolled up their sleeves and set about doing some type of job and became producing, productive Americans. They didn't come with their palms turned UP, but their hand outstretched to the next wave of people seeking a better life. Most became citizens as soon as possible. They learned English. Their children went to school where English was taught, not seven or eight other languages so they could all get along.

One lady I knew was born in Massachusets of Lithuanian parents. When she was a baby they returned to Lithuania. However, they soon realized what they left in America and returned. She was about age 12 at that time. She told me she couldn't speak English. However, the school placed her in the third grade, and she stayed there until her English improved enough to be placed in the grade suited to her age. She said it took her two years to get out of third grade, but she learned the language of the land, and was gratefully always.

Our pledge allegiance to our flag is under fire today due to the words "under God" in there. Laws might be passed to strike the words out of the pledge, but you cannot strike God out of the LAND! When we pledge our allegiance, which flag should be flying? There is only ONE flag that I will pledge my earthly allegiance to, and it is the one with the 13 stripes, and 50 stars.

What about you?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A Couple of Thoughts to Share...

Today in our state are the primary elections--where the parties' "multiple choices" will probably come down to a two-per-party run-off in two weeks. If you vote today, you must vote in the same party's run-off.

Anyway--as usual, our quiet, refined state is up to its usual slime. A little-known State Representative (female) somehow surged ahead in the polls, ahead of three male counterparts. In the two weeks prior to the vote, two very chivalrous men could no longer hide their shame and sin and confessed adulterous affairs with this contender. Hmmmm. She has denied the veracity of their allegations. For some reason, her poll numbers increased to over 40%. Perhaps voters realize not all slime is in the Gulf coast.

Get out there and vote. Many have died to give you this right.

Another F.Y.I.
The attempt to have gun control in America has not gone away. No matter whatever protestations come from Washington, D.C. this administration wants to get gun control in place. So far, vigilant Americans have stood in the breech to prevent this. No matter what they say, this administration has people holding office and positions to push for gun control. In October, 2009, Secretary of state, H R Clinton spoke of the UN treaty being negotiated. Gun Rights Examiner, David Codrea reported, "No sooner do we get done talking about one international gun control effort than another resurrects itself, or should I say, is dug up by Secretary of State Hilary Clinton. Then a quote from Reuters: "The United States reversed policy on Wednesday and said it would back launching talks on a treaty to regulate arms sales by consensus, a stance critics say gave every nation a veto. The decision, announced in a statement released by the U.S. State Department, overturns the position of former President George w. Bush's administration..."
The State Department's press release: "As long as the Conference operates under the rule of consensus decision-making needed to ensure that all countries can be held to standards that will actually improve the global situation by denying arms to those who would abuse them, the United States will actively support the negotiations."

Oxfam International, wants other countries to "resist any US demands to give any single state the power to veto the treaty" demanding all governments to reject this veto clause.

Former Georgia congressman, Bob Barr reported, with Hilary Clinton's endorsement of the treaty, that this the country is heading in the wrong direction. In his book, "'Perfect Storm' for UN Gun Control Agenda" quoted undersecretary John Bolton, referencing our constitutionally guaranteed "rights to keep and bear arms," that the US "would not be a party to an international effort that would directly or indirectly infringe that fundamental right."

Barr continues, "We know what has changed: We have a president, a secretary of state, and an undersecretary philosophically in sync with the UN." When Clinton spoke to the UN, the US Constitution was not even mentioned.

There are some who say, "But...we have the Constitution. The second amendment gives us this right." Every year, those who want gun control find some place, some city, to challenge a gun law. So far, the Constitution has been defended. But these folks have very deep pockets. Stay awake. Stay alert. Don't let any treaties get through to infringe on our rights to bear arms and protect ourselves. You never know who will knock on your door to tell you the right is no longer there.

This is an election day! Read what the people are for (and against) before you vote for them. A lot of people are now regretting how they voted in the last election.