
John 3:16
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

Are YOU a "whosoever?"

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Who's In Charge?

Having lived through parts of thirteen presidential administrations, I can only remember one other time in my life when I felt that no one was in charge, during the Jimmy Carter years.

Who is in charge now?

No one seems to be in charge of this mess in the gulf.

The oil continues to flow onto pristine beaches from Florida to Louisiana. The US has 2000 skimmer boats available to the gulf, but only 20 are deployed. Why?

Apparently, there is no one in charge at the State Department.

Our Secretary of State travels around the world and while out of the country announces that the U S government is going to sue the State of Arizona for wanting to protect its borders. Eighteen other states are pushing for similar legislation. Is Washington going to sue all of them? If the Federal Government would stop looking at potential voters, and see illegals coming across the border, maybe state and federal would work together on this mess.

Apparently there is no one in charge of the military.

Valiant soldiers are out on the streets of Afghanistan and unable to pursue the enemy without the Afghan government permission. Why? The president says they will continue with the surge, but leave in a year. What was that?

No one seems to be in charge in Congress.

They can't even write a budget. They don't want us to see all those RED zeros. The national debt will soon tip the scale of no return. Trillions... has at least 12 zeros in it.

Is there anyone in charge of the White House?

It's almost funny to see the woman of the house out promoting healthy eating and exercise, counting our grams of fat and salt, and then see the man of the house smoking cigarettes, and eating the biggest burgers and fries with the Russian president. In the days of Rome it was said Rome burned while Nero played his fiddle. In our case, he smokes, plays golf and eats burgers.

Is anyone in charge of the country's moral compass?

We have the government dismissing anything with a hint of Christianity, like a fly-over in a military ceremony. We have a president who cancelled a national day of prayer, but met with the Muslims to celebrated their holidays. We have Christians who are led to hand out tracts about Jesus in Dearborn, Michigan getting arrested because Muslims get angry. Apparently there was a gathering of Muslims and the Dearborn police saw a reason to put in place a No Bible Zone of FIVE SQUARE BLOCKS.!!! Whatever happened to freedom of religion and freedom of speech? Has the Constitution been revoked?

Is there anyone in charge of the country's infrastructure?

What is the cost to the economy of vehicle repair due to bad roads? How many bridges in YOUR area need replacing?

Is there anyone in charge of the agricultural community?

Creating bio-fuel only increased the price of fuel and food, as both energy users and people who eat are competing for the same field of corn. Truckers move things across America. It used to be that diesel cost less than gasoline. Not any more. Ever wonder why the cost of food has gone up so fast?

Is there anyone in charged of the country's commerce?

With continued uncertainty in Washington about health costs, changes in taxes, many businesses are afraid to make any progressive moves due to the total lack of leadership inside the beltway.

Is there anyone in charge of the country's safety?

There are many under-the-table moves to control the guns of private, law-abiding citizens. Every day a new bill makes its way to the Internet warning Americans that the Second Amendment is still being challenged by the bad guys. We read of home invasions, burglaries, purse-snatchings, bank robberies, street gangs. And what is the answer? "Guns increase violence," is the Left's cry. But, time and time again, the figures show that guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens drops the crime rates because thugs think twice if they know the person on the other side of the door could shoot them first!

This country is in a mess. There isn't much an individual person can do except continue pressing on. Don't quit supporting our troops. Buy things made in America, if you can find them. Learn to shoot and get your permit...while you can. Continue spreading the Word about Jesus, because ultimately He is the only answer.

Through all the turmoil here and around the world, remember, truly, only God is in charge, and His judgment will be final! There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth and people will plead, "in thy name [have I not] done many wonderful works?" And Jesus will reply, "I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." Matthew 7:22-23

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