Are Administration Fears Leading to Controlling the Press?
A couple weeks ago there was a post on that the Obama administration was investigating ways to license reporters. They want journalism to be subject to permits and licenses like plumbers, hairdressers, barbers, and other such self-employed people. Their reasoning was that there is just so much information out there flying around by "alternate media" that no one can verify if it is true. (And, therefore, can't control it.) Actually, this new media, which is mainly on the Internet, in the form of bloggers, independent writers, analysts, and opinion writers are writing and publishing things this administration doesn't agree with, and they (the administration) wants to shut them up.
The administration says people need to be protected from these folks who write on-line, and unverified. How can anyone know what is true???
How can anyone know what is true on Mainstream Media?
So the administration flew a flag of discontent and now wants a certain course structure, a degree in journalism, a "character background check," and, of course, a fee to obtain a license, before anyone can be called a journalist. When folks on-line heard about it, and questioned the administration about it, they said it was just an advisory investigation to rein in troublemakers (people who write against Obama and this administration.) They didn't see that it would really infringe on freedom of the "press," as the press (newspapers) are actually being hurt by this information over the Internet.
Today, on, is an article "Journalism 'Reinvention' Smacks of Government Control, Critics Say." This outlines the administration potential policy recommendations which would be another attack. The Federal Trade Commission has made "a list of potential policy recommendations" to reinvent journalism. A project began in May, 2009, where the FTC was to "consider the challenges of the journalism industry in the digital age." "Potential Policy Recommendations to Support the Reinvention of Journalism" is a "47-page document that outlines a major government push to rescue the country's flailing media platforms - specifically newspapers..." Proposals mentions are:
"--the creation of a 'journalism division of AmeriCorps..."
"--tax credits to news organization for every journalist employed;"
"--establishing citizenship news vouchers, which 'would allow every American tax payer to allocate some amount of government funds to the non-profit media organization' of their choice...;"
"--increasing funding for public radio and television;"
"--providing grants to universities to conduct investigative journalism;" (who are they going to investigate on the tax payers' $$$?)
"--increase postal subsidies for newspapers and periodicals;"
"--a 5 percent tax on consumer electronics..."
First, the government wants to license reporters (for a fee), and now they want a 5 percent tax on consumers access to unfettered information.
We all know some folks on the Internet who are sullied characters with no moral compass. Just watch local news this week about bloggers and public relations workers who have no conscience on their desire to confess all. As bad as this has been for the lady running for office, this should NOT lead to government control of what is truth and factual. Whose truth are they willing for us to see? And who determines what is truth?
It is a very bad thinking to even consider putting restraints on the press. If people don't like what they are reading on the Internet, they can switch sites, like people who watch news on TV can change channels, or simply shut the TV off. Writers, professional, free-lancers, and others, need to remain free of government constraint, licensure, and taxes on the information generated. A free society needs a free press (not my original quote). Anything less, and we no longer are free.
The government's draft stated this was done just an idea to get the discussion going. Well, it got going, and it should continue going, right out the door and be disposed of quickly before it takes root.
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