
John 3:16
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

Are YOU a "whosoever?"

Monday, May 31, 2010

Nursery Rhymes to Organize Life

One-Two: Buckle Your Shoe.
Three-four: Shut the Door.
Five-Six: Pick up Sticks.
Seven-Eight: Lay Them Straight.
Nine-Ten: Begin Again.


God's plan for the universe, and our lives, is a plan of order. The planets, stars, and moons are set in motion. God spoke--and it happened.
Then God created man, and gave him choice. Choose God's way, or disobey. Eve disobeyed, and Adam followed. There has been chaos ever since. Throughout the history of man, God said, if you do this..., I'll do this.... Mostly man rebels and God chastises.
If we as individuals will choose God, first His salvation plan, (John 3:16) then His plan for our daily living, we can have order and harmony. Once we are saved by the believing on His Word, we then must choose daily what activities to fill our days.
The nursery rhyme above teaches children organizational skills:

One-Two: Buckle your shoe. Get up and get dressed properly. Tie (buckle) your shoes. Tuck in that shirt.
Three-Four: Shut the door. On the farm we had a saying, if you open a gate shut it. My parents would say, close the door so the flies don't come in. God says: pay attention; don't let unsavory people or habits into your life.
Five-Six: Pick up sticks. Pick up the clutter in your yard, home, or heart. Sort it out and get rid of it.
Seven-Eight: Lay them straight. Take care to keep the good things orderly. Treasures or habits, though good, can overwhelm if collected, done, or used to excess.
Nine-Ten: Begin again. The sun rises and sets, and we start our day that the Lord has made. Read our Bible; pray for those in need; go about our day being the best we can be (with the help of God), and lay our heads on our pillows, praying for a good night's sleep. In the morning, when we awake, we pray for God to guide us to do it all again.

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