
John 3:16
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

Are YOU a "whosoever?"

Monday, June 14, 2010

"You're a Grand Old Flag!"

Here it is, June 14th, Flag Day in America. Which flag are you flying today?
Mexican-American? Italian-American? British-American? Spanish-American? Canadian-American? African-American? Regardless of your heritage, it should be plain, old American, the Stars and Stripes. If you live here and breathe the fresh, free air that millions have died to preserve, you should proudly fly the American flag!!!

I know I will probably date myself, but one of my favorite movies (I saw it on TV) was the life of George M. Cohan, Yankee Doodle Dandy. This film traced his life from his birth (said to be July 4th, but might have been July 3rd), through his broadway days where he wrote patriotic plays about America, and wrote numerous very patriotic tunes, "You're A Grand Old Flag," "We're Not Coming Home 'til It's Over Over There," and many more. His plays were filled with Old Glory. His patriotism was never questioned.

Back in the early days of America, before the "love-ins" and "liberations" of anyone who felt opressed (women, etc) when people came to America they felt proud to be finally called AMERICANS!!! They rolled up their sleeves and set about doing some type of job and became producing, productive Americans. They didn't come with their palms turned UP, but their hand outstretched to the next wave of people seeking a better life. Most became citizens as soon as possible. They learned English. Their children went to school where English was taught, not seven or eight other languages so they could all get along.

One lady I knew was born in Massachusets of Lithuanian parents. When she was a baby they returned to Lithuania. However, they soon realized what they left in America and returned. She was about age 12 at that time. She told me she couldn't speak English. However, the school placed her in the third grade, and she stayed there until her English improved enough to be placed in the grade suited to her age. She said it took her two years to get out of third grade, but she learned the language of the land, and was gratefully always.

Our pledge allegiance to our flag is under fire today due to the words "under God" in there. Laws might be passed to strike the words out of the pledge, but you cannot strike God out of the LAND! When we pledge our allegiance, which flag should be flying? There is only ONE flag that I will pledge my earthly allegiance to, and it is the one with the 13 stripes, and 50 stars.

What about you?

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