
John 3:16
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

Are YOU a "whosoever?"

Thursday, September 9, 2010

To Burn or Not to Burn!

The clergyman in Florida who plans to burn a Koran is raising a lot of fury around the world. Many have come out in opposition to his decision to burn the Muslim religious book. While in America, the president and his administration has said he has a right to do so, constitutionally, it is just wrong.

A few weeks ago the president was asked about the Ground Zero-mosque situation, and the Muslims demand to be able to build their mosque and educational center where they want. The president said that they were within their constitutional right to build it. He did NOT say that, in his opinion, it was wrong. Millions of Americans around the country are crying foul that he won’t come out and say it is wrong.

I ask you, what is the difference? BOTH questions are constitutionally allowed, but BOTH are just plain morally wrong.

The Imam in New York could accept the governor’s offer and move the mosque to a different nearby location, a few blocks further away from Ground Zero. Ground Zero is Holy Ground. It has the blood of men and women from America and around the world, including Muslims, soaked into the ground. It the last resting place for thousands. If the intent of the Imam was to just build an educational and cultural center, it wouldn’t matter if it were moved a little ways up the street. If, on the other hand, his intent is to have the Muslim faith, and Muslim radicals “shove the mosque in the face of Americans” to further insult our senses, his hate is a vitriolic as the preacher in Florida. Both men are wrong in their intent and in their actions.

Christians know that the way to “win friends and influence people” is by being nice and showing Christ’s love to others. A radical Muslim once stated that in this war of terrorists, the Muslims will win. He said in effect, “You Christians, if struck, are taught to turn the other cheek. We are taught to just kill as many of you as we can.”

Burning a Koran will not stop this war on terror. It will only make things worse. The preacher stated that if the president or his administration would contact him, he would reconsider burning the Koran. Maybe the president will speak out and talk to this man to bring down the level of hate and hostility. He didn’t do it in New York, but maybe he will do it in Florida.

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