
John 3:16
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

Are YOU a "whosoever?"

Monday, August 2, 2010

If It Walks Like a Duck...

Much of the Left Liberal Political view is very upset to be called socialists. But, if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it is a duck, or a socialist. We have a very socialistic bent to our government today, both state and federal. What? you ask. Why do  you say that?

We have a totalitarian despot for a president. We have programs in place that take from those who work and give to those who don't in the name of "redistributing the wealth" of this country. We have state and federal programs that go beyond anything that can be paid for by the current fiscal year's tax revenues. And it is just getting worse.

Obamacare is more than just getting medical coverage to those who don't have insurance.There are IRS rules in it now coming to light that will make it a paper trail nightmare for anyone doing business. 1099 forms will have to be filed by any and every business whose purchases exceed $600. Why? So the federal government can cross reference and make sure those business report all your purchases of copy paper or ink cartridges. Obamacare implementation will have their new Czar Dr. Donald Berwick, head of Medicare and Medicaid, taking from Medicare to give to all the new people coming into Medicaid. This appointment of Berwick came over Independence Day weekend when Congress was in recess. Obama is about to make another "recess decision" with an edict about immigration.

Illegal Immigration: In a recent article on American Thinker Jed Skillman notes that years ago, Colin Powell warned G.W. Bush about the "Pottery Barn Rule." He said, if you break something, it's yours. You break it, you own it."

Today, Obama has fought Arizona on it's new laws about illegal immigration. By "breaking something" (interfering) the problem became Obama's. During the last election Arizona Senator, John McCain tried to work on a comprehensive immigration reform package. This was fought on both sides. Now, his own state has enacted some strict rules, and Obama has taken the state to court, in effect, at least temporarily putting a halt to the most strict rules. Other states are trying to protect their borders, their workers, their employers, but Obama came out and saying, Not so Fast, It's the federal government's job. Well, now that we hear this is the federal government's job, DO SOMETHING!! But what is Obama about to do? He has a memo in place that would make a recess edict while Congress is out for the remainder of the summer to give amnesty to illegal immigrants. It's called "paroled-in-place." These folks would then have the ability to NOT be deported, and just stay in place and work out their immigration status and problems.

Economic Slavery: The illegal immigration problem is just one cog in the wheel of economic instability in America. We have so many programs to pay people NOT to work, programs to be paid for by the people who do work (now less than 47% ). Entitlements: welfare, Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security...all these programs have been put in place by the benevolent government to assist Americans. Actually, they were put in place to have Americans become dependent on the government. Dependency is control. This is economic slavery. There isn't any legal way an American can avoid this situation. Without recourse, Social Security and Medicare taxes are withheld from a person's pay, and matching funds are collected from employers. No choices there. Other tax structures are in place to penalize you for saving money: higher taxes on interest, dividends and capital gains than on earned income. The banking industry has been so marginalized that there is no interest paid to a savings account. Retirement leads a person to collect Social Security, and then become "one of them" getting a check without working. The unemployment was just extended again for those poor souls who still can't find work. Most all parts of the employment picture is still slow to recover.

One picture of growth comes from a report of new job growth. In another article on American Thinker, Phil Boehmke reports that in the stimulus programs that was supposed to create or save jobs the construction industry has been particularly hard hit. The "shovel ready" jobs did not materialize. However, there has been a number of new companies getting into the "hardened structures" business...offering a variety of "survival shelters,"  including an "entry level six person steel unit with nuclear, biological, and chemical filtration." Cost for these start at about $36,000. Many companies are developing "fortified underground shelters" across America.

The census: We all remember that census debacle that just took place. You know, when they want to know everything about everyone living in your house, or might live in your house in the months ahead. (As far as I know, only God is all-knowing about the future.Not even Obama can predict things like this.) Anyway, stories are coming in about census workers and the way this census was done. One fellow reported he received a call on his cell phone (?).  He said the woman asked to ask some questions. He said, I already sent in the questionnaire. She asked if this was the Name, Name, Name, or Name residence? He said, none of the above. She asked if this was such and such address. He said no. Three times she asked the same questions. She had no name in her list, no correct address on  a sheet, and only a cell phone to get started with. And these were census workers. He hung up his phone and wrote the article. "Commenters" about this article questioned if the caller was really from the census, if so, why didn't she have any information to go with, and why the person called just didn't say "No" when she asked if she could asked some questions. The last I knew, phones still have a disconnect button. But, other "commenters" listed some harrowing tales of dealing with the Census workers. So, the unemployment dropped a few months, and then went back up. Government work is NOT real work. If you don't produce anything you can sell or trade you are at the mercy of this socialistic government run by despots in Washington.

To the young people about to start college, learn something that has a license attached, that you can do working with your hands, and get paid for it. Degrees are things you receive for taking enough courses to earn the credits. They do not always lead to stable employment.

And finally, our country is in a mess, run by people without a clue. However, even though they think they are the only people who know anything, there is One who knows more, (and it isn't O). God knows our future. He will take care of His own. If you are one of His, remember what David wrote in the Psalms, "I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread." Ps. 37:25. Stick close to God. Live for Him and not for the clowns who think they are in charge.

May God Bless...

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