
John 3:16
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

Are YOU a "whosoever?"

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Obama's Open Agendas

During the last presidential campaign it became evident that anyone who spoke out against Obama was called a racist. This threat to be named a racist even impeded John McCain from launching a full-fledged campaign. Any hints of anything negative brought out this racist attack. McCain even soft-pedaled  the "rumor" that Obama might be an Arab/Muslim. At a town-hall meeting a "sweet old lady" asked him if he thought Obama was an Arab/Muslim. He softly answered, I don't think so. Hmmm... Since day one of Obama's presidency he has given deference to Muslims over Christians at every opportunity.

To NOT be called a racist people overlooked many things when voting for president. They overlooked Obama's refusal to release his original birth certificate. (You'd be called a birther-racist for pushing this.)

They overlooked his refusal to release any college transcripts. (Could be those at Harvard at least might be under the name of Barry Soetoro, Jr.)

They overlooked his motives of being a community organizer: (power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Not my original words.)

No one would accept that his agenda and the agenda of his handlers was to bring down America and set up a dictatorship. You were just a racist who didn't want to see a black man elected president.

Obama has said that he is Christian, but I would hazard a guess that he has never read the Bible. If he had he wouldn't be preaching the redistribution of wealth agenda. Jesus explicitly taught to some would be given 10 talents, to some 5 talents and to some 1 talent. How one used the talent he was given would determine the rewards he would receive. Those who didn't use their one talent wisely would lose it. Those who used their talents wisely would be rewarded. The lazy who sit and wait (bury their talent in the ground) would have their one talent taken away to be given to another who had worked.

Obama's agenda isn't to motivate everyone into working harder, but to take from those who, with due diligence, "doubled their talents" and give the fruit of the ambitious to the slothful, lazy, uninitiated.

But,WHY is this Obama's agenda? In my view: to break down  this country from within; to take over America by presidential decree what he can't get by acts of congress; to weaken America's infrastructure by overwhelming the safety nets. (Google "Cloward-Piven Strategy" and see what comes up.)

Obama's formative years were all over the world, many years in South East Asia under Muslim teaching and Marxist role-models and mentors. He has no natural affection for America, only what he can get from America.  America's own turning from God and the original moral compass that created this country, has enabled Obama and his czars to set up shop in Washington, DC.

Steps already in motion for this collapse?

An ever burgeoning central government, with the accompanying unsustainable debt;

By presidential decree, the breakdown of capitalism, individual ownership, and individual rights;

The muzzling of the press: anyone who disagrees with these decadent despots is again called racists;

The weakening of America's security, military, by the blurring of the description of our enemies. Obama said not to use the term "Islamic terrorists" because not all Muslims are terrorists. But, to date, MOST terrorists have been Muslims, and THEY have a direct agenda: KILL ALL INFIDELS, all Non-Muslims, particularly Americans and Christians.

We just had revival meetings at our church. The visiting preacher said we should pray for the president. And  I do. I pray he will be converted to become a real Christian before he destroys America completely.

If he does, we will then see who pulls the strings of this puppet government we have in the White House today.

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