
John 3:16
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

Are YOU a "whosoever?"

Friday, August 19, 2011

Is It Stupidity or a Plan of (In)Action?

When my kids were in school and brought home a good paper, I would post it on the refrigerator. I wanted to show them how proud of them I was. Our boys could be counted on for some very good papers. Our daughter, younger than her brothers,  started bringing home papers.

One day, however, she brought home a paper with a “0” on it. She had 10 questions, #1 – 10 with answers A – J. The directions were to draw a line from the questions to the right answers. She had done it completely wrong…totally. At first I was stunned that she couldn’t answer those simple questions, until I saw all the erasure marks. It turned out that she deliberately did the paper wrong…completely wrong. What this showed was that she was not stupid, but sly like a fox. I never did find out why she did her paper that way, but I posted it anyway. I figured she had to be pretty smart to do it completely wrong. (She never did it again, though.)

This brings me to our POTUS. Many writers are stating that they didn’t realize how “unskilled” he was, that he appeared to be “over his head” with this job being president, that in reality, he must be pretty stupid. He talks a good talk, but never produces any results. He appears to always be waiting for someone else to come forward with a plan of action, which he then criticizes. But it is becoming clearer and clearer. This inactivity, this indecision, this dithering, this political thinking of “spreading the wealth,” this blaming Bush, this blaming the Tea Party “terrorists,” shows that he is really stupid, or sly like a fox.

More and more writers are now saying that POTUS and FLOTUS are deliberately trying to bring down the country. While this may seem extreme, answer this: How can you rave against your enemy (the citizens) while you praise your friends (foreign Arab leaders)? How can your staff call any descent treasonous, terrorists, but not call those shooting at us terrorists? How can you espouse that we all must share the pain and sacrifice, but go on yet another vacation?

Now much has been said this week about his going to Martha’s Vineyard while America slides into yet another recession, but MSM counters that POTUS has only taken 69 days of vacation, while Bush had taken 180 days (at his ranch—the Western Whitehouse). Now if Mr. O had converted a few rooms of his Chicago home into a working office, there would be less squawk about his going home for a few days. But MV is NOT Chicago, nor a desert ranch in mid-Texas.

No, POTUS appears to have a concerted attack against America. How else would you explain the Cap ‘n’ Trade agreement that would put the average electric bill out of sight and prevent further coal plants for electricity?

How else could you explain his history with ACORN, and then have ACORN called “reprehensible” by a judge and fine them for voter fraud?

How else do you explain his affiliation with the Communist Party of USA, with them contributing to all his elections, including 2012?

While I have been pondering these questions, I had one hope; our military would be there to protect us, even if necessary, from an enemy within. I did wonder how Mr. O could bring down the military, and this week I found out—he is changing their retirement. When you have an all volunteer military, the last thing they need to worry about is their money, and their financial future. Now, O and company are messing with their retirement. Some soldiers as close to retirement as 19 years in the military, may be out of the retirement pay they expect. This will certainly curtail reenlistments.

If Mr. O were just stupid, or incompetent, he would by chance, get some things right. But he is completely wrong, wrong on purpose, it seems, wrong for the economy, wrong for balancing the budget, wrong for not having an independent energy policy, wrong for not trying to make logical cuts in the federal deficits, and wrong for America, at least the America I love and support. But, then, this is probably his plan all along.

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