
John 3:16
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

Are YOU a "whosoever?"

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Promises of 2008--Hope and Change

Well, the president should be happy now. He has finally found a way to bring America to her knees without firing an insurrection shot. When he had the interview with Scott Pelley of CBS, he stated he couldn’t guarantee Social Security checks would go out August 3rd if there was no debt limit increase deal. Now, he states 70 million recipients are in jeopardy of not getting their money in August. What he has done is kill every credit rating of people dependant upon their SS checks. No matter what happens with this debt crisis, government checks will no longer be able to be used as a secure income. At any whim, the president can hold them up.

In addition to retirees and disabled not getting their money, America’s credit score rating, currently AAA, will be reduced. When that happens, EVERYBODY’S credit score will go up; everyone who holds a credit card will have their rates jump beyond historical proportions. Millions of people will be forced into bankruptcy with any variable-rate debts.

Our POTUS has brought this country to the brink of destruction. Unemployment is creeping upward again. It is now much higher than the “fear factor” used when he ran against Bush. The fear factor number was an unemployment rate of 8%. Oh, to be at that number now.

He has brought the country to the brink of default by not bringing forth a written proposal to the House of Representatives, then accusing them of not negotiating in good faith. Negotiate with what? A speech and not a plan? His latest “negotiations” with the speaker of the House brought about an exchange where the Speaker walked away saying, as soon as he (the Speaker) agrees with the president to get a debt limit deal, POTUS “moves the goal posts.” Now, the Speaker refuses to negotiate with the President. And POTUS calls him “uncooperative.”

He has removed the flag from most areas of the White House, and brought in Arab décor. He has removed our Christian God from all aspects to the government and shows open partiality to Muslims faith.

He openly supports the homosexual agenda, and gay marriage, and refuses to support the Defending the Marriage Act, where marriage is between one man and one woman.

He openly supports abortion. He refuses to support the life of a fetus as being a person.

He openly supports the destruction of Israel by calling them obstructionists for defending their borders. He openly supports the Muslim Brotherhood, and sold them weapons, weapons that could be used against Israel.

He is against the Second Amendment, denies he is trying to instill gun controls, but is promoting an “under the radar” program to bring about registration of guns, registration of fire arm sales, recordkeeping of gun stores, and, if the “Fast and Furious” ATF program were totally brought to light, the leadership of this would be very close to 1600 PA Ave. POTUS has openly spoken for, and promoted the UN treaty to ban private citizens having firearms, as a way to control guns in America.

POTUS has spoken openly of wanting $10 per gallon gas. He has by presidential decree ordered automakers to increase their MPG to 56 MPG. Just this week the auto industry has openly rejected this as being way too expensive, and would cost more jobs.

POTUS states he wants America to be independent of foreign oil, but continues to block domestic exploration in areas where shale oil can be obtained, and where oil wells could be explored in American soil.

POTUS states he has a ‘dream’ about illegals, but obstructs states from keeping illegals out, and punishing people who help them get in.

POTUS states he is “for jobs” but, his NLRB is continuing to attack employers who promote the right to work.

POTUS has openly spoken of “increasing revenues” as a way around this debt crisis. This translates to increased taxes.

POTUS has openly spoken out against the military by not guaranteeing they will get paid in August.

POTUS has shut down NASA and the space program so we now have to hitch a ride with the Russians if we want to continue to participate in the space explorations.

Why is the truth so hard for POTUS to grip?

August 2 is just next week. Where IS YOUR money? Where is YOUR income coming from?

How do you like these current changes? Is there any HOPE left for America?

The only hope can be found in Revelation 22:20

“Even so, come, Lord Jesus.”

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