
John 3:16
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

Are YOU a "whosoever?"

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Outrage Fatigue

I haven’t written for my blog for quite sometime. A lot is going on, both locally, and around the world. I have been having difficulty forming my thoughts that could be uplifting, and not completely negative. However, with the world, national, and local headlines so bleak.

Like I said at the beginning, it’s been frustrating lately. It’s almost enough to make a person lose hope. But, then, you have to ask yourself, where is your hope? What foundation is your hope? In the government? Fat chance. (No, thin chance, sorry Mrs. O.) In your job? Hold onto it. In a political party? I haven’t seen any brilliance in the local winners of the past election, nor any brilliance in Columbia, nor any brilliance in the US House of Representatives or US Senate.

I have felt compelled to write using only the top keys of the keyboard. If you don’t know what I mean by this, I will give you an example. But I don’t like that feeling I get when I get so outraged.

The @#$$ stock market goes down, but the ##%$ oil prices go up. It makes it ##%&*ing hard to fill up the tank in my car. This will surely help in the economic recovery!

Mrs. O continues her assault on personal freedoms and families by passing the @#47*&^@ food restriction rules, counting salt grams and fat grams, outlawing fundraising bake sales at schools, all the while eating baked lobsters on yet another #@#%*ing vacation.

The president and his #@#$$%ing CZARS rule the roost on what type light bulbs we can use, and how many watts we can have in our kitchen, what type refrigerators we can buy, and what type toilet we can put in our house.

The @#$#@ TSA’s pervert tactics of x-ray scans and “pat downs” would get any man arrested if conducted in the public square, surely encourages people to want to fly. Flying may or may not save oil, but, I for one will not fly until such tactics are changed.

The number one ranked Christian leader in India and also in Pakistan were murdered by Islam extremist for insulting Allah, and no outrage or response by our Christian president, but Washington was outrage when Rep. Peter King holds hearings to find out if Muslims in America are assisting in notifying agencies when they suspect their children are being recruited by Islam extremists to become terrorists. The claim was that there are other groups who are extremists. Maybe so, but let’s hold hearings on the ones we know about. If other groups are becoming terrorists, let’s study them also. Just don’t paint every dissenter as an extremist!

Wisconsin’s battle with @#@$@ unions and striking teachers and missing senators brings the state government to a standstill, but the outrage by protesters is for the ones trying to pay the bills.

In South Carolina, the Senate works days and weeks in trying to pass an immigration bill that will satisfy Washington, DC and the U S Supreme Court. What happened to states’ rights? What happened to: if you are here illegally (per Federal Law) you are also here illegally per S.C. law!?

Social Security and Medicare are “elephants in the room.” Obamacare is a @#$#ing poison pill with more tax law in it than medicine. While some folks out of work have found jobs, most are receiving 75% less pay than they were before. The upper-income jobs, the ones needed to be able to tax these folks enough to pay for all the government programs, will not return. Everyone needs to be retooled to something new to be able to work.

Like I said at the beginning, it’s been frustrating lately. It’s almost enough to make a person lose hope. But, then, you have to ask yourself, where is your hope? What foundation is your hope?

My hope is not on earthly things or people.

"But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation”. 1 Thessalonians 5:8 (KJV);

1"Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God, even our Father, which hath loved us, and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace," 2 Thessalonians 2:16 (KJV)

"But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:19 (KJV).

Does my faith in God and His Son Jesus Christ promise that I will never run out of gas? No. But He promises, if I have faith, I will not run out of spiritual gas. When the world is in a whirl around me, I remember that we Christians win this race. Read the last Book in the Bible. Satan, and his demons, are overcome and literally thrown into the lake of fire.

I try to read my Bible daily. This gives me a daily walk and talk with God. I pray for my friends and family, my church, my town, state and country. I pray for patience so I can write and type without using only the top keys on the keyboard. The more I do this, the less sick and frustrated I feel about world events.

I can’t change or control anything that is going on. But, my God is in control, yesterday, today and forever. He holds the world in his hands, and He will mete out justice to all those who scorn Him and His Word.

Have YOU walked and talked with God today?

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