
John 3:16
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

Are YOU a "whosoever?"

Monday, January 24, 2011

What’s Wrong Across America?

Around the area where I live there is much discussion on the criminal element who are bent on shooting each other, robbing anyone who has anything, and with no remorse. The newspapers and television reporters have asked, “What’s wrong in ---?” I would hazard to widen the scope of this question and ask, “What’s wrong across America?”

The shooting in Arizona led to quick response by the political left that it’s the fault of conservative right, the gun owners. It’s talk radio or cable news’ fault. I would like to follow different path and ask, “When did we stop loving our children?

I was in Sunday School one day and the teacher asked why Satan has such an easy time of influencing our lives. My first thought was, because what we used to think was terrible sin is now common place, and accepted by society. What used to be thought of as unthinkable, is now a daily occurrence.

When Roe vs. Wade became the law of the land, we stopped loving our children. When children perceive that they are unloved, they do bad things to get attention. If we reward bad actions and overlook good actions, this will only escalate.

Since R vs. W, 53,000,000 babies have been murdered. That comes to about 3821 per day. That is 76 per day per every state in the union. If you saw a headline that 76 people per day were shot in every state every day for all those years, you would think someone would do something about it.

One of the excuses for abortions is the economy. There is an increase in the medical abortions, those with the RU-486 pill. These now account for 25% of abortions performed in the first nine weeks of pregnancy.. However it is done, whenever it is done, in whatever stage of pregnancy, women, girls, are convinced by the abortion machine that unborn babies have no value. If they hear that and follow through with their abortion, they will progress through life with less value on their born alive-children. There is little difference from those killed thirty seconds before birth, and those killed thirty seconds after birth. It is still murder.

A doctor in Pennsylvania was arrested this past week for killing babies after they were born. He was an abortion doctor. If the baby was born before he could kill it in the womb he would snip the spinal cord and the baby would die. If it is murder when the baby lies on the operating table, it is murder when it is inside the womb.

Statistics show that Hispanic and African-American women have a disproportionate share of abortions. Do the powers that be consider these children of less value? Or do they continue to allow this madness to appear to be the friends of these demographic groups.

Unprotected sex leads to pregnancy, and for those who are “unprepared to be parents,” leads to abortion.

For the children born alive to “unprepared to be parents” their lives are often low income, and single parent homes. When children are raised in single parent homes, it is usually the father who is absent. So there you have a child who feels unloved, raised by a harried single mom, and the child grows up to be an adult. What values do they have? How much God do they have in their lives? Any? Or do they have a vacant stare where life should be?

I believe this crime and violence will not turn around until children have value—all of them. If they are born to “unprepared to be parents” this is better than being murdered before they draw their first breath. It is a long road to turn around. We must start by teaching young girls that they aren’t boys’ toys. That they have more value than producing another generation on welfare.

We, as parents, must get our children to church so they will learn that, no matter what, Jesus loves them. And that our children have value. If they learn they have value, we can teach them that others have value. That everyone has value, and no one has the right to murder others, either before they are born, or after.
It starts in the home—and in the churches, and progresses to the schools. Children need to hear that they have value. Everyone has value, and we do not have the right to end a life. Children need to be taught morality at home, in the churches and in the schools. This abortion machine, and the left-wing liberals, must be stopped.

If we don’t exhibit love for our children, they will feel no value, and no reason to live. And troubles come from people who have no reason to live. What do they have to lose? If people in this county want to get a hold of the crime/violence problem, they must look in the mirror of their own souls and ask, “Am I part of the problem, or part of the solution?” Where do you stand today?

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