
John 3:16
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

Are YOU a "whosoever?"

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Greatness of America: How Long Will It Last?

The Greatness of America:

De Tocqueville of France, over a hundred years ago, visited America. Upon his return home he wrote: “I sought for the greatness of America in her harbors and rivers and fertile fields, and her mines and commerce. It was not there. Not until I went into the churches and heard her pulpits flame with righteousness did I understand the greatness of her power. America is great because she is good; and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.”

Liars & Thieves

When I was a kid my folks used to say that liars usually accused someone of things they were doing themselves. If someone said, Tommy stole my toys,” he usually meant, “he stole my toys before I could steal his.” The implication was a thief always thinks others are thieves, a liar thinks others are liars, a person with no patriotism usually has allegiance somewhere else. A person whose formative years were spent in Indonesia has little understanding of American patriotism, Boy Scouts, Little League, and playing by the rules.

Years ago the liberals were stating that there was a dire need for gun control because right-to-care advocates were buying guns that were “some-how” ending up in the hands of the drug cartels of Mexico. The resulting remedy was to enact very strict gun control so legally purchased guns didn’t fall in the hands of the drug cartel. Fast-forward to 2011, and you have this “Fast and Furious” gun program conducted BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, in Obama’s administration “smuggling” guns across the border to Mexico to drug lords!!!!!!! And NO ONE gave the o.k. NO ONE is responsible.

This smuggling operation led to the loss of lives of the very police sent down there to control these tyrants! I’m not sure of WHY they were selling guns in Mexico, except, THEY SAY, was to infiltrate the drug cartel organization. When the news came out that it was the U.S. Government behind getting these terrible guns into Mexico, and that innocent people died, the ATF supervisors response was “you had to scramble a few eggs to make an omelet.” Last count, according to a report on was 2000 weapons allowed across the border under Obama’s watch led to shooting 150 or more Mexican law enforcement officers and soldiers.

It is already claimed by law-abiding 2nd Amendment Rights folks that Obama and his administration will use these deaths as reasons to target our 2nd amendment rights, and sign on to the UN pursuit of international gun control.

Wake Up, my dear friends. The gun they come after could be yours!

AT Taken Down

To my friends at American, it was interesting to learn that “somebody” must be getting rattled. Wednesday, June 15th American Thinker suffered what was called a “Denial of Service attack.” During peak traffic hours their website was down. It took their technicians much hard work to figure it out and get back online. AT Editor, Thomas Lifson, wrote, We are secure in the knowledge that we are making a difference when our enemies seek to silence us.”

Boeing and the NLRB Bullies

For those who have been following, Boeing has moved into North Charleston, SC, built a tremendously large plant to manufacture airplanes. They have an even bigger plant in Washington State, and continue to build planes there. One reason they came to South Carolina, is SC is a “right to work” state, where employees are protected from harassment about unions. Washington State is a union state. After years of work strikes that slowed down the production of airplanes, and increased their costs, Boeing decided they needed an alternative to work stoppages. They decided to come to South Carolina to buffer their production. They DID NOT CLOSE any sites in Washington. They DID NOT eliminate or reduce any jobs in Washington. In fact they continue to ADD jobs at that site. They have NOT REDUCED any benefits in Washington, or reduced any payroll.

Now, the NLRB has sued Boeing for “seeking revenge” against union workers for past work stoppages. The goal of NLRB is to have Boeing shut its plant in Charleston (even before it opens) and move these 1,000 jobs to Washington.

Several court hearings are taking place. One so-called administrative law judge advised Boeing they should settle with NLRB, or this could get costly.

A bully is someone who wants your lunch money just because he can punch you in the face to get it. So far, our illustrious president, elected is a large part by union money and strong arm tactics, who has said much about jobs, jobs, jobs lately has NOT spoken out against the NLRB. But then, he ignores the lawyers telling him he is breaking the law with the Libya campaign, so maybe HE is a bully, too.

From Bullets to Bucks

The POTUS is now circumventing the globe in his pursuit of reelection. He states he isn’t finished with his program to “change America.” My firm belief is he wants to change it into a Marxist, socialist country with no personal freedoms.

Anyway, as everyone knows, the economy is in the tank. Unemployment has risen again, and, no matter what the administration says, we have dipped for the second time into another recession. The housing market is volatile. If you don’t think so, try selling one, or buying one. If you don’t have cash, you will probably not qualify to buy. The banks have seriously changed what a person needs for credit ratings and down payments.

With the administration flexing its muscles via presidential decrees, no one knows what’s coming next. This has made this “recovery” very elusive. It is reported (Ed Lasky, AT editor, 6/7/11) that POTUS no longer receives economic updates or daily briefings. POTUS now blames the failing economy and higher unemployment on ATM machines taking jobs away from tellers. (He fails to reveal that some greedy banks now charge customers when they need to do service via a live person teller.) Anyway, electronics are the blame, along with George Bush, of course.

Whatever the cause, small business owners are hurt badly. One such person commented on Obama’s “shovel ready” jobs success. This person wrote that a little over two years ago he had a thriving business with a 25-person workforce. About 18 months ago he started laying off people. Eight months ago he laid off his last person. He closed up shop about four months ago, and is now waiting foreclosure on his home.

Gas prices went sky high since this POTUS took over. Just today (6/23) he decided to release some oil from our reserves. And the price of oil on the stock market dropped. Hopefully the prices at the pump will come down, but no guarantees.

How is that Hope and Change feeling now? The election will soon be here. Will you continue with Mr. Hope and Change? Or will you work diligently for returning America to fundamental believers in a living God?

The real answer is for America, and the politicians, to turn from their wicked ways and return to biblical principles. If we as individuals and as a people don’t forsake all forms of wickedness, and pray for God to forgive us for turning from Him, fall on our knees in prayer, and God maybe will forgive our sins and heal our land. Prayer and repentance. Washington is outlawing the first, and ignoring the second.

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