
John 3:16
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

Are YOU a "whosoever?"

Monday, May 16, 2011

Full Moon Arising

Help Wanted: Professional Tray Tracker:

Did you know that U.S. tax payers’ dollars, two million of them, are tied up in research following what children in school eat, and what they throw away. The funds come from funds originally earmarked for border security cameras along the US/Mexico border. While this camera surveillance program was unsuccessful in deterring illegals from coming into our country, the feds thought they could transfer these cameras and another $2,000,000 to upgrade it, to school cafeterias.

According to a blogger, Jeannie DeAngelis, these professional tray trackers will film students as they pick up their trays of lunch food, and observe what they throw away. Their job is two-fold: to document what types of food is chosen by the children, along with what they eventually discard. Next, these professional tray trackers will report the findings to the parents, (and maybe school officials) (and maybe even FLOTUS, in her ever enlarging trail of food police to spy on our children.) This is in the guise of viewing if the children choose mash potatoes or green beans, French fries or fruit. The food trays have bar codes on them to aid in the tracking. And there are the ever intrusive cameras. They say the goal is to reduce childhood obesity and diabetes.

Once they determine what kids like, the school will most likely change the menu to things kids hate, therefore reducing the food they are likely to eat. Dr. Roberto Trevino, of the San Antonio-based Social & Health Research Center, states that “the grant from the USDA will fund the study for four years.” He concluded that “the coming school year will be very experimental, with the programmers fine-tuning cameras and imaging software to accurately identify what’s a pear and what’s an apple.”

Joy! Joy!

Wit, and Wisdom, or the Lack Thereof!

Our POTUS seems to have a character trait that is very difficult to understand. When common sense would have a person to ponder why people disagree with him, POTUS just thinks it’s beneath him to have such a dialog. His modus of operation is to belittle and degrade. Take the border security problem. Everyone knows the feds have routinely dropped the ball on this monumental problem. But when states try to alleviate the situation by state laws, POTUS directed his legal teams to sue the states, not the illegals. Finally they consented to send more security guards to the area, but this has minimal affect. The fence everyone wanted is not yet finished, and the effect of this may be lessened by the tunnel that already is in place between Mexico and Arizona. When the president recently went to Texas to address this issue, it was plain that he was not there to help, but to belittle. He asked, What do they want? A mote? Alligators? Now, I believe a mote would be fine—if it went around Washington, DC, and included alligators.

Water. Water, Everywhere, and not a Drop to Drink

Most of us have heard of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). What POTUS couldn’t get by legislation, he is now taking by decree of the EPA. In an article by Jerry Shenk, of American Thinker, he wrote about the news from the EPA.

“Recognizing the importance of clean water and healthy watershed to our economy, environment and communities, the Obama administration released a national clean water framework today that showcases its comprehensive commitment to protecting the health of American waters.”

While the administration states it is concerned about water, what they really are concerned about is power, and controlling the land and water. The original EPA bill, HR2421, gave the Army Corps of Engineers control of all “navigable” American watersheds. The EPA, under POTUS’ direction, is after ALL LAND IN ALL WATERSHEDS. As Shenk pointed out since all land is in a watershed, all land use will come under the power of the central government. Shenk wrote, “This Executive Branch recognizes no legislative power or constitutional boundaries to their ambitions.” He continued, “The threat to private property rights embedded in the ill-fated Clean Water Restoration Act of 2007; lives on in Executive Branch bureaucratic overreach.”

Will Trump be Trumped?

Donald Trump is acting more and more like a presidential candidate. While many in America think he is just a rich flake, many in the black community are already making war on him. I have not made up my mind about Mr. Trump as president, but I think he would greatly liven up the race—presidential race, not black/white race. However, it appears that anyone who should conflict with our POTUS simply MUST be a racist. It couldn’t be that POTUS isn’t up to the job, or is narcissistic, or thought of as simply wrong. No, if people don’t like his policies, they are racists. On that vein, Mr. Trump is now being attacked by a group called ColorofChange, which is trying to sabotage the TV program “Celebrity Apprentice.” This group is now campaigning against the program and Trump, stating the he operates in “race-baiting.”

According to Lloyd Marcus, a writer for American Thinker, who by the way happens to be black, states, “For the first time in U.S. History, we have a president who cannot be criticized in any way. It is an indisputable fact that the liberal mainstream media exempted presidential candidate Barack Hussein Obama from the usual vetting process of one seeking to be elected Leader of the Free World. Obama’s skin color trumped everything.”
Marcus continued, “I am so sick of these racist so-called rights groups bullying people with race.” Marcus called out, “Hear ye, hear ye, all who dare criticize King Obama is automatically guilty of racism and will suffer the consequences! This is totally absurd and insane.”

Other Reelection Protection Programs of POTUS:

To ensure his reelection, POTUS has directed companies who request contracts with the federal government to have to reveal their political donation. In addition, POTUS has directed the IRS to challenge political gifts to politically involved not-for-profits. As reported by Liz Peek, of, even the Democrats are crying foul. The man appears to have no shame.

And, lastly, TSA Updates:

As our POTUS, and his administration know no bounds, apparently neither does the TSA. It is documented that the TSA agents can screen by x-ray and “pat downs” anyone they choose, regardless if they are elderly, frail grandparents on oxygen tanks and in wheelchairs, or if they are children holding teddy bears. But no one knows the long term affect of these x-rays for frequent flyers. And no one knows the long term affect of TSA agents groping the children--touching private parts, reaching inside their pants, inside the underwear, touching the private parts that moms and dads have been trying to teach the children that they shouldn’t let anyone touch them there but doctors, and even removing diapers on babies looking for bombs!!! All this is really beyond the pale.

How do you explain to a child that, no, they shouldn’t let strangers touch them there, but it’s o.k. for people at airports to do that?!! How do you explain to them that they could be arrested for touching their friend Susie like that, but these grown-ups can do it? Where is the common sense when ALL terrorist attacks and attempted attacks have been by Muslims? Now, I agree, not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists, to date, have been Muslims, or people who converted to being a Muslim.

In April Congressman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) introduced a bill, HR1510, making it necessary to obtain parental consent to conduct an invasive frisk of a child. He requested the TSA abandon “security theater” in favor of common sense.

In an article by Robert Small, (AT), Small reported that Chaffetz recommended using bomb-sniffing dogs and behavioral screenings. While bomb-sniffing dogs aren’t fool proof, but neither is anything else.

It is important that we teach our children the difference between Western Culture and Islamic culture. Small asks, “What else should I teach [my child]? That anyone can be a terrorist? Even a child? No, anyone could be a kidnapper, a killer, a pedophile, but the idea of turning an airplane into a weapon of mass destruction repeatedly springs only from the head of a Muslim. It’s a brainchild of a community that defends violent protest, even murder, as a sane response to offensive cartoons!!! It certainly isn’t on the mind of every Muslim, but it persists in the mind of Islam. And that kind of evil will never be defeated by randomly frisking fewer than three out of every hundred travelers.”

Also, what we need to teach our children is that Islam terrorists have no respect or love for their own children. Pakistani boys as young a nine have been recruited by Al Qaeda in Afghanistan to be suicide bombers. They are brought to Afghanistan and shown how to strap on a suicide vest and told that they should go forth and kill as many foreigners as possible, but that they will live through the experience.

We are in a mess. The country is in a mess. The economy is in a mess. The answer has to be Jesus. He WILL come again, and soon. Lord Come Quickly.

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