
John 3:16
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

Are YOU a "whosoever?"

Friday, April 22, 2011

Where to Begin?

Let’s see how far I can go without getting “aeriated.” (In case you aren’t familiar with the term, it was used by James Herriot in his books about being a veterinarian in England. It means: to get stirred up profusely.)

Recently the POTUS ET EX came out with a policy against bullying. It is now the FEDERAL policy against bullying. Let’s see where there is bullying:

Chicago schools (hmmm, isn’t this the POTUS ET EX’s home city?) no longer allow lunches from home. Students are mandated to buy (or obtain free) school lunches…in the guise of healthy eating. When some students revolted, because the food was so bad, and started demanding their rights to bring food from home, this was squashed by the school. Who is the bully?

When Boeing had difficulties in Washington State completing their plane manufacturing in a timely manner due to union strikes, they decided to come to South Carolina and build planes. Now the Federal Government has joined the unions in suing Boeing because of so-called unfair labor practices against unions. Who’s the bully? Who are the thugs? POTUS, ET AL?

When decided to bring some of its distribution services to South Carolina, the then governor, Sanford, made an agreement to exempt them from collecting a sales tax on sales for five years. Now someone with money is fighting this saying this gives undo favor to the on-line company because local stores and businesses have to collect a sales tax.

Here are a few suggestions:

1st. I have shopped at for years, and not because I was saving a few cents on sales taxes, but because I can get what I need, and want, when I need it. These businesses who are voicing objections can register their businesses and items for sale with and take advantage of on-line buyers.

2nd. is bringing hundreds of jobs to South Carolina, and $60,000,000 in payroll. This will bring in payroll taxes to South Carolina. These people who will be working will be spending their money in South Carolina, and not all on Businesses should learn that due to gas prices, more and more people are buying on-line, and finding the shipping is usually less than the gas it would take to get to a brick-n-mortar store front.

3rd. It is my suspicion that the money paid for these TV ads are funds from lobbyists who have no stake in this question, only the dollars they earn making noise. Who is the bully? Who is the bully behind the bully?

Next, gas prices: At this time in my town, the price at the pump is about $3.60 per gallon, ($112 per barrel of oil). It would cost me $54 to put in 15 gallons of gas. I get about 25 miles per gallon. Most weeks, I use one tank per week. When I worked “out of town,” as I did up ‘til last year, I used three tanks per week. I had to quit the job to balance my budget. Totally ridiculous!

The president says he can’t do anything about the price of gas, but he still controls who can drill for oil, and where. And now, this POTUS is pushing for the DOT to put tracking devices in our cars so the government can tax us on the miles we drive.

The old adage is, when a country begins to burn its food, it is a sign of the end of the power of the country. It has been proven that using ethanol in gasoline reduces mileage in vehicles, takes food off the table, and costs more to produce than raw gas. But this administration is mandating an increase in the percentage of ethanol in gasoline. Who’s the bully?

The POTUS has decided to run for reelection. He said he’s not done working on his programs of social changes in America. God help us if he carries out all his potential changes. Some men and women are coming out now to test the waters of candidacy.

Two potential candidates for president are Mr. Donald Trump and the former governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin, They are campaigning and speaking at Tea Parties, and the worms are coming out of the woodwork—again! Mr. Trump is called a “light-weight” and Ms. Palin is called—well, we can’t write what she is called. In the guise of comedy Ms Palin is again being attacked for giving birth to “a retarded” child. In polite circles, by people with manners, he is called a special needs child. Whatever you call him, he shouldn’t be attacked because of his mother. But worms like a so-called journalist in Alaska wondered aloud what the boy Trig, who celebrated his birthday, would be dreaming about. The non-writer stated, “Nothing. He’s retarded.” Another non-funny comedian, Louis CK(?), ranted off a tirade about the boy, and Ms Palin in such vulgar language it can’t be repeated without using only the top keys on the keyboard. This is all because Ms Palin had the audacity to give birth to, verses murder, her disabled son, and because she expounds Christian family values, such things as these liberal worms would know nothing about. Who are the bullies???

The Whiner-In-Chief recently went to Chicago (again?) and complained loudly about the lack of having a “cool phone” in the Oval Office. He is quoted to say, “I’m like, c’mon guys. I’m the president of the United States. Where’s the fancy buttons and stuff and the big screen comes up? It doesn’t happen.” Who’s the bully?

Later, the POTUS was holding a press conference about the deal he made with the House and Senate to finish the 2011 budget. At the invitation of POTUS, the Republican’s Paul Ryan, who drafted a compromise part to the deal, of which most was used, sat in on the press conference. Did POTUS compliment him for his cooperation? Did POTUS thank the Republicans for finally getting a budget that the Democrats had not been able to write for eight months? NO! POTUS berated Mr. Ryan and others for potential changes in Medicare. Who’s the bully?

In the 2008 election, many people had blinders on. Or they were lazy and didn’t do their homework. Most people applying for a job have to write a resume with references, both professional and personal. Who are Mr. POTUS’s references? Everything about this man has been sealed. No information is available about him.

A recent e-mail I received asked the following questions:

Who was the best man at the O’s wedding?

When did he and Mrs. O meet?

Where are past photos of his life?

Where are his grades, transcripts from college?

Why haven’t any old school mates come forward and said, “I knew him when…?”

Does anyone remember him at Columbia U.?

Why isn’t O’s photograph in the college year book?

Why was O’s law license inactivated in 2002?

Why was Mrs. O’s law license inactivated by Court Order?

While the US Census records show only ONE Barack Obama, but with 27 Social Security numbers, and over 80 aliases. And the Social Security number he uses now originated in Connecticut, where he is reported to never have lived.

This is the man in charge. This is the man telling us how to live, what to eat, what cars to buy, and where to send our children to school. By presidential signature, he overrode the deal he made with the House of Representatives and Senate on the budget, and reinstated his four Czars. WHO’S THE BULLY?!!!

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