
John 3:16
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

Are YOU a "whosoever?"

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Bullies, How they Operate, and Why

A lot has been said lately about bullying, of children, of adults, because of a person’s choice of lifestyle, or perceived choice of lifestyle, or for no sound reason at all. As a person who has been subjected to bullying, and had to live through the experience or just die, I would like to address some of these areas.

First of all, there is NO sound reason to bully anyone. There may be “excuses” in a bully’s mind, but no justification.

Starting there, bullies bully as a use of power they have, or want. They choose a person to be their victim who they perceive as weaker than them, who appear to not have a close circle of friends, who may or may not have a strong family around them, or a person who has been taught to “turn the other cheek.” When I was a child and someone called me names, my mother would say, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.” Sounds good, but not true. A crushed spirit in a child will have a lifetime affect on him/her. Children are taught early to “not hit back.” “Turn the other cheek.” “Just walk away.” All this sounds good, but won’t stop a bully.

Bullied children often turn into bullies. It’s their way of “getting back.” It’s the “I’ve got the power now.” In the last election, the president’s quip to non-worshippers was “We won. Live with it.” That’s a form of bullying.

In today’s society, bullying takes many forms: Bosses who use foul language to “motivate” workers; one racial group intimidating other group, or even the same race, but “different neighborhood;” people who have been convinced by society that “choice of lifestyle” has no consequences, come up against people intimidated by that lifestyle; or conversely that alternate lifestyle jamming it’s choice down the throats of people who are to follow God’s plan for their lives; judges in black robes who have agendas and power; bully the public by their edicts. Presidential Decrees, without vote of Congress that goes against popular opinion is a form of bullying. Congress who votes for a very unpopular policy, which includes more hidden tax agendas than medicine are bullies.

Politicians who can’t take a visible stand to protect life are bullies. Unions who stand against the majority and Constitution are bullies.

It appears that, on earth, the only thing bullies understand is pain. When I was a teenager, my brother was riding the school bus as a first-grader, and a big lump of a girl kept harassing him. He was little, and non-aggressive, and didn’t take up much space on a seat. This lump would push and shove and call him names. After telling the driver that it wasn’t right, and the driver looking bewildered as to how to handle the situation, I told my mother. She gave me that line again about “sticks and stones.” That was no help to my brother. One day when this lump got more and more aggressive, I came up behind her and with all my strength, I brought my 3-ring binder notebook down over her head, driving it down between her shoulders. She whined some. When her eyes cleared, I said, if you touch my brother, or say anything to him again, I will get more books. The bullying stopped.

We can’t all go around clocking people for bullying, but we can intervene. People in authority need to be more vigilant and visible. That bus driver could have done something, but chose not to.

In my mind, and through observations, I have learned that ultimately bullies are cowards, ignorant cowards, from the “lump” on the bus to the bullies in Washington. Coercion is force used, against the other person’s will. The boss who uses foul language: a. because he can get away with it, b. because he is too ignorant to use correct speech with coworkers and people under his “control.” I had a bossman yell at me using foul language because I wasn’t doing something correctly. When I called a halt to his (one-sided) conversation I said, he should clean up his language. I said, if I as not smart enough to learn how to do what he wanted me to do, I would leave. But they weren’t paying me enough money to have to listen to that language. He never did it again, and I worked there over five years.

Bullies bully because they can. A victim is only a victim when they stop fighting back. Sorry Mom.

There was a man who was bullied more than anyone else on earth. His name is Jesus. But He came to earth for his own agenda, to seek and to save. He laid down his life as payment for all our sins, even bullies. When he was tormented and tortured, He spoke not a word. But he had a higher calling, and a higher power. The ultimate fate of those bullies will be worse than the pain they caused by their bullying.

We mortals can only do the best we can. That may be by refusing to be bullied. Or it may be by intervening when you see others being bullied. Ultimately Jesus stepped into the breach for us all—between us and Satan. One day Satan’s bullying will end, and we can all go Home.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Let’s Not Get Paranoid—But “They” ARE Out to Get Us

IRS Changes: Something flying out under the radar this week is a result of more slight-of-hand with the IRS tax codes. Fox News Headlines of 10/14/10 “THOUSANDS OF NON-PROFIT GROUPS FACE NEW TAX BURDEN STARTING FRIDAY.”

It seems that in 2006 regulations changed that eliminated the minimum income of a non-profit business to not have to file certain papers. These businesses were given a certain period of time to “register” by E-Postcards. Failure to do so would remove their tax-exempt status. These organizations include homeowners associations, Masonic lodges, and other such entities. The deadline to get their paperwork in is today, Oct. 15, 2010. Then these groups have to reapply for tax-exempt status. It appears that straight church funds, as opposed to “functional operation,” or “action operations” are still exempt. But to determine what “functional” or “action operations” is a gray area.

Same Old Politics: A headline on American Thinker read: Obama and Company trying to pull a fast one to keep his old seat in the D column?

It appears that election officials in Illinois have not mailed out the absentee ballots to folks in the military in a timely manner (at least 45 days before an election). Therefore the ballots would have a hard time getting back. Obama’s choice to fill his old senate seat is being challenged by a member of a military reserve unit. It has been history that soldiers vote for Republicans 3-1 over Democrats. In a tight race, removing these ballots from the vote could tip the election.

In a Race Closer to Home: There are three candidates in the South Carolina race for U.S. Senate: a man on the Green Party, a man on the Democratic ticket, and Incumbent, Jim DeMint, the Republican candidate. I know nothing about the “Green Party” candidate, but since I think the whole “green movement” is a hoax to gain control over the citizens of America, I will not be voting for him. The man on the Democratic ticket is a confessed peruser of pornography, who thinks showing his “porn-pix-of-choice” to a prospective date is how a man “flirts” with a woman. This thinking is so low and without moral compass that I couldn’t even consider his candidacy.

This leaves us with Senator Jim DeMint. Mr. DeMint is a Christian gentleman who confesses his thanks “to Jesus who saved me and gave me freedom.” Mr. DeMint’s book Saving Freedom, should be required reading in all government schools from 8th grade up—assuming eighth-graders in government school have learned to read. I highly recommend it to everyone.

Regardless of the politics of “Perks & Pork,” Jim DeMint has a vision for South Carolina, and America—a vision of personal freedom, and responsibility. My vote this year will be for Mr. DeMint.

To hear other Republicans talk about and against Jim DeMint, you would wonder whose side (or party, or country) they are on. To read the local newspapers, you would wonder if the editors of the oldest paper in the country have any knowledge of the history that has made them free, to be able to write about what they know so little.

Massive Energy Tax Coming? While the humongous “Cap & Trade” was set aside this summer, the Democrats have not lost hope in their favorite game of “Control and Conquer.” Senator Bingaman (D-NM ) and 32 other senators are pushing a bill to put in place with a “15 percent renewable energy standard.” This RES will have two components. First, a mandate to electrical utilities to generate 11 percent of their energy by renewable sources, solar and wind. Second, 4% of the 15 percent will be completed by “energy efficiency measures.” And the cost of all these innovations will be passed along to consumers in their monthly electric bills. This is giving the solar and wind companies that have proved to be inefficient and uneconomical, subsidies from the federal government.

Chinese to Own part of Texas? And to think that as the O Administration put a freeze on drilling in the Gulf, (said to be reviewed soon), China has purchased drilling rights in 600,000 acres in South Texas oil and gas fields. China is said to be paying $2.2 Billion for one-third stake in the Chesapeake Energy assets.  NO, foreigners can't take the land overseas, but they can benefit from our assets while our politicians dither about the "safety" and ecological impact of crude oil for energy.

What’s Good for the Gander, but Not for America: Lastly: the woman in the White House is still at it in her double standards. She, in her quest for a healthier America, has made it her personal mission to separate children from Twinkies and restrict everyone’s personal food choices, monitoring American grocery lists, while hypocrisy runs rampant in the White House. AS M O eats lobster in Spain, but tells the rest of Americans to eat their green beans, POTUS pollutes the white house with second hand smoke. As M O talks about healthy vegetables cleansing our bodies, POTUS has become the poster boy for the Marlboro Man. Cities and states have begun to surtax sodas with sugar in them like some type of contraband. But the president can carry his “crutch” around with him.
