
John 3:16
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

Are YOU a "whosoever?"

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Milk Monitors and Nincompoops—Or, The Recession Has Ended, Along with Global Warming

“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” Proverbs 1:7

I will try to touch base on a number of topics today. I hope is comes across clearly.

First: Social Security issues: I receive a number of e-mails on different topics, and try to research things the best I can. A question arose that asked if it were true that Social Security recipients were not going to receive a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) in 2011, and was it because the Obama Administration was using $24,000,000 of Social Security funds to install electronic medical record gathering equipment to help with Congress’s medical needs.

No, Social Security folks will NOT be getting a COLA in 2011, but not for the aforementioned reason. They/we won’t be getting a COLA because, according to the government’s figures, the cost of living went down again in 2010. But, yes, the Obama administration is using $24,000,000 from Social Security to pay for installing electronic medical record gathering capability. Not for Congress, but for those folks who are applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). This is supposed to speed up their eligibility determination. The Social Security funds for this project came from funds Obama moved to SSA from Stimulus Funds last year. Understand? We MUST follow through with electronic medical records, but, sorry, no COLA again!

Speaking of Social Security: How many of you readers have ever requested an earnings statement from SSA? I ask this because I found out that years ago one of my employers DIDN’T report one year of my earnings, and never sent in my money. So, I am one year short in my Social Security earnings. As it was a sizable income for that year, all my future Social Security checks will be smaller. If I had been aware, I could have done something about it. And, IF I HAD KEPT ALL MY TAX RECORDS, NOT JUST THE LAST SEVEN YEARS, I could have updated Social Security, and been credited for those missing quarters. My advice is NEVER throw away W-2 forms or 1099 forms. Commit them to some type of reprintable record.

Now about Global Warming and the Recession Ending: Last week the government accounting office reported that the recession ended in June 2009. Never mind that the housing market is still in the tank, and jobs are as scarce as hens’ teeth, unemployment went up, “thus sayeth the government…” so it must be so. On another front, there was a meeting in Sitges, Spain by the Bilderburger Group, a group of powerful CEOs from around the world. Present were the chairman of Fiat, Irish Attorney General Paul Gallagher, the US special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan Richard Holbrook, Henry Kissinger, Bill Gates, the Queen of the Netherlands, and others. The group’s agenda included: financial reform, security, cyber technology, energy, Pakistan, Afghanistan, world food problems, global cooling, social networking, medical sciences, EU-US relations…Wait a minute…Global Cooling?

Was this a printing error, or do these folks know perfectly well that global cooling is a far more serious threat than global warming? Hmmm. Watch for a lot of back-tracking from global warming in the days, weeks, and months to come. Too bad they’ve already outlawed and stopped making those neat incandescent light bulbs we like in favor of those that couldn’t light the way to an outhouse.

"When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn."
Proverbs 29:2

Now for the chocolate milk and milk monitors conspiracy. While liberals push the public (government school) education reforms, and force feed liberal lack of morals, (sex education for kindergartners, and “Gay Pride” story books, the children face another assault. The food police are out en masse to protect these little ones from the greatest threat of all: chocolate milk. In the name of fighting obesity, school lunch programs are being pressured to omit chocolate milk in favor of plain white milk. Along with taking pretzels out of vending machines, Mrs. Obama is joining the campaign to fight obesity in children by removing “reduced-fat” chocolate milk from their choices for lunch. Liberals are all for choice for teenage girls who want to kill unborn babies, but they don’t want them to drink chocolate milk while they deliberate this.

Lastly: A Generation of Nincompoops: An article that appeared in the 9/28/10 Post and Courier, written by Beth J. Harpaz, AP, notes that we as a country are in a quandary because of a generation of nincompoops being raised today. Harpaz noted that there are second-graders who can’t tie their shoes or zip jackets, four-year-olds still in diapers, five-year-olds still in strollers, teens who can’t operate can openers or get ice out of an ice tray, and college students who have never done laundry, ridden a bus alone, addressed an envelope, or figured out how to use a coat hanger.

These kids have been raised with so much technology, and parents doing everything for them that they can’t function on the basic level. One mom said her kids are so used to pull-tab cans, they have never used a can opener. She said kids are so used to throwing their clothes on the floor, or hanging them on a hook, they can’t get clothes to hang straight on a hanger. While watching a morning news program this week, highlighted were families trying to take their children to dinner at a restaurant, a higher level eatery than a quick drive-through. These kids were so unruly that they shrieked loudly instead of talking, they mashed food and pushed it on the floor, they achieved the feat of taking over the restaurants so people without children in tow, were very turned off by the scene. Banning out-of-control children was a choice of one restaurant.

I say this: It isn’t the NEXT generation that WILL BE nincompoops. It’s the parents now who have no clue. It is the parents’ responsibility to be teaching manners, “public voice” vs. “home voice” to these cherubs. These parents starting at age one day should be teaching the children responsibility of group presence, of basic home making skills, home care, cooking. When the children and grandchildren come home, these parents will only need to look in a mirror to see where the fault lies. One group of nincompoops raising the next generation.

Just sending millions of dollars into the educational swamp will not teach children to tie their shoes, zip their jackets, pick up eighth-grader illiteracy rates. It isn’t the teachers’ responsibility to do these things. It is the parents’ (plural) responsibility. Little Johnny should be able to read his primer, and know his letters, colors and numbers before he starts school. These are basics to be learned at home, along with manners, respect for others, and the basics of getting along with those around you.

“The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame.” Proverbs 29:15

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Hang Onto Your Wallets-Part II

Today (9-23-10) parts of Obamacare go into effect. While I don’t claim to be an expert on this policy, one part I am aware of is that children now can stay on their parents’ insurance until age 26. Another part is insurance companies can’t discriminate against children with pre-existing conditions.

To counter the economics of this new “benefit” insurance companies, en-masse, are no longer writing policies for individual children. The children can ONLY get insurance through their parents’ policies. If children between age 19 and 26 had previously left their parents’ insurance, they can now go back onto it.

 Another fact about Obamacare is that the hidden tax secrets are still coming to light. I received several e-mails about how Obamacare will impose a sales tax of 3.8% on home sales. I looked into it, and this ONLY comes into play when a single person sells a home and the profit is over $250,000, or a married couple sells a home and the profit is over $500,000. Now, remember, Obama is going to let Bush tax rules expire on 1/1/11. That is when capital gains on things go way up. So in addition to a bigger hit on capital gains, there will be an additional 3.8% “sales tax” on home sales.

In addition to the “sales tax” on real estate sales, the Obamacare tax plan will charge this 3.8% tax on interest, dividends, annuities, royalties all capital gains, and RENTS for individuals who earn over $200,000 and joint-filers who report over $250,000. So, regardless of the Bush tax cuts that will soon expire, Obama has already passed legislation to “hit the rich” an additional 3.8% surtax on their various incomes.

Not discussed on nightly news are the various penalties in the Obamacare for folks who don’t want to, or can’t afford to buy health insurance. Also, the insurances people might choose to buy might not suit the federal government, and then there will be penalties.

Penalties for individuals without insurance will be $695, or 2.5% of their annual income. Families will have to pay $347 per child, or up to $2,250 per family if parents can’t show they have purchased policies approved by Feds.

Employers with more than 50 employees who don’t offer government approved insurance will pay a yearly penalty of $2,000 per employee.

In addition to all the above, the Medicare tax on people earning over $200,000 will pay an additional .9% for Medicare tax.

In addition to these punitive taxes, there is a new 2.9% federal sales tax on medical equipment or devices.

In all this “spreading the wealth,” Obama has given the IRS powers to jail people who refuse to buy health insurance. Of course they will first attach tax refunds, bank accounts and other assets. When that doesn’t get results, they have the power to jail the dastardly person.

This new Obamacare will actually help the job market as there will be 16,500 IRS auditors hired to implement these tax collections. Get your resumes ready!

(The above information was taken from an article by Paul Guppy, vice president of research at Washington Policy Center, an independent non-partisan research organization in Washington State.)

The election will be November 2. Last date to register is Oct. 2. BE REGISTERED AND VOTE FOR CHANGE, or change will be all you have.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Hold Onto Your Wallets--And Bank Accounts

The U.S. Department of Labor released a news brief about joint hearings by Dept. of Labor’s Employee Benefits Security Administration (ESBA) and the Dept. of Treasury in Washington, D.C. this week (9/14 and 9/15). The two departments were to discuss lifetime income options for retirement plans.

The whole philosophy of this proposal is that people who worked diligently for their whole working lives are not capable of doing simple math, and do not have the capacity of self-discipline to manage their own funds, and it is the government responsibility to protect these people from themselves.

What would you say if the federal government just found out it had access to $7.8 trillion, nearly enough to pay off the national debt? Well, they seem to have found it under a mattress, YOURS! This amount is what is reported by Investment Company Institute as the total funds in private IRA, 401K, 427 and 403b accounts, as of 2009. And they are working to get their hands on it.

In an article on American Thinker, Peter Raymond describes this evil scheme. Under investigation at this time is how to access these funds in the guise of protecting the people from their own ignorance. Raymond writes, there will be a two-step process. The state “will fabricate and incessantly excoriate a contrived crisis or social injustice.” Then they will “craft” legislation “disguised as a necessary and compassionate solution that makes participation and universal funding compulsory.”

Another writer quoted in Raymond’s article, Patrick Heller, wrote a warning to individuals and small businesses to protect their wallets and bank accounts. Don’t be caught up in this folly of being too stupid to protect yourself.

Heller wrote that the government will start by throwing around terms such as “retirement income protection.” The government will then take ownership of assets in IRA and 401K accounts and replace them with US government “Treasury Retirement Bonds.” They are proposing an interest rate of 3%, as most banks now pay squat on certificates of deposit and other savings accounts. Then, Heller says, at the time of retirement “the individual’s retirement account would be converted into an annuity. Once the individual is deceased, the individual’s heirs would not inherit anything.” The account will be closed, and the government gets to keep all these funds.

The reason for this move is: these funds become available to individuals in one-lump sum at retirement age, and the government claims they (the people) are too ignorant to do the math. Say you are 65 when you cash in your IRA or 401K, and you hope to life to be 100. If you have $500,000 in your retirement, you need to divide by 35 (years) to come up with how much you can withdraw each your, (about $14,285 per year.) (Forget any interest, as there might not be enough to worry about.) The government wants to create this “Treasury Retirement Bonds” scheme to protect individuals from running out of money before they die.

If you believe them, your heirs will lose access to these funds upon your death. And YOU will lose access to these funds should you need them for emergencies, changes in lifestyle situations, nursing home payments of self or loved ones, or to bequeath to your grandchildren.

You say, this can’t be happening! GM was taken over by the Feds, as was Chrysler Corp. The stocks of Americans, valued in the millions, was turned over to the unions. Brazil already confiscated their citizens' retirement accounts in 2008.

This thievery must be stopped before it goes any farther. Contact your legislators and tell them emphatically that you do not need the government’s help to supervise and manage your own accounts.

When you walk through a street and a person puts his hand in your pocket to steal your wallet, you can do something about it. But, for some reason, Congress can lie and steal and, what happens to them? They usually get reelected!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

To Burn or Not to Burn!

The clergyman in Florida who plans to burn a Koran is raising a lot of fury around the world. Many have come out in opposition to his decision to burn the Muslim religious book. While in America, the president and his administration has said he has a right to do so, constitutionally, it is just wrong.

A few weeks ago the president was asked about the Ground Zero-mosque situation, and the Muslims demand to be able to build their mosque and educational center where they want. The president said that they were within their constitutional right to build it. He did NOT say that, in his opinion, it was wrong. Millions of Americans around the country are crying foul that he won’t come out and say it is wrong.

I ask you, what is the difference? BOTH questions are constitutionally allowed, but BOTH are just plain morally wrong.

The Imam in New York could accept the governor’s offer and move the mosque to a different nearby location, a few blocks further away from Ground Zero. Ground Zero is Holy Ground. It has the blood of men and women from America and around the world, including Muslims, soaked into the ground. It the last resting place for thousands. If the intent of the Imam was to just build an educational and cultural center, it wouldn’t matter if it were moved a little ways up the street. If, on the other hand, his intent is to have the Muslim faith, and Muslim radicals “shove the mosque in the face of Americans” to further insult our senses, his hate is a vitriolic as the preacher in Florida. Both men are wrong in their intent and in their actions.

Christians know that the way to “win friends and influence people” is by being nice and showing Christ’s love to others. A radical Muslim once stated that in this war of terrorists, the Muslims will win. He said in effect, “You Christians, if struck, are taught to turn the other cheek. We are taught to just kill as many of you as we can.”

Burning a Koran will not stop this war on terror. It will only make things worse. The preacher stated that if the president or his administration would contact him, he would reconsider burning the Koran. Maybe the president will speak out and talk to this man to bring down the level of hate and hostility. He didn’t do it in New York, but maybe he will do it in Florida.

Friday, September 3, 2010

What Kind of Evil Between Nov. 2 and Dec. 31?

With the election on Nov. 2, polls state many Democrats will be voted out. While to some of us freedom-loving Americans, this is great news, we also must be aware that this gives the O-pposition sixty days to wreak havoc on America. One plan already in the making is the “Debt Free America Act,” also known as H.R. 4646.

This act was written “to establish a fee on transactions which would eliminate the national debt and replace the income tax on individuals.”

You can bet your next grandchild that the Congress will not eliminate the individual income tax.

But, what is this Debt Free America Act? It is a 1 percent tax on any and every bank transaction, “any transaction that uses a payment instrument, including any check, cash, credit card, transfer of stock, bonds, or other financial instrument.” These transactions “include retail and wholesale, purchases of intermediate goods, and financial and intangible transactions.”

A “person becomes liable for the fee at the moment the person exercises control over a piece of property or service, regardless of the payment method.”

The fee “will be collected by the seller or financial institution servicing the transaction and shall be paid over to the Secretary.”

A generous federal government will give a credit of 1% to a taxpayer’s adjusted gross income. The fact that Social Security, SSI, and SSDI checks are not taxable income is irrelevant to this new thievery. And the capped adjustment for a credit is $10,000 for an individual and $20,000 for a couple filing joint returns.

Of course, the federal government will need a whole new task force to implement this new tax, and force people into compliance. A task force is already in place working on this evil act.

It is time now to stop this evil act before it is even voted on. Americans must make noise, contact your senators and representatives before the election to have them pull this evil act from being considered.

The deadline for voting on this act is December 28th, just when all those lame-duck representatives and senators will be out of office.

With the country is such an economic spiral, this evil act of oppression by finitely controlling every cent coming and going, will absolutely kill this country. Maybe that is their objective all along.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Just a Few Questions

I have a few questions that have remained unanswered, even after reading the newspaper and watching the news on TV.

Many times we’ve been told to be prepared for a hurricane, but, other than getting into some mode of transportation and leaving the area, how does one prepare for a hurricane? Other than knowing what’s going on around you at all times, how do you prepare for a hurricane?

How does our president, a man who makes a statement one day and retracts it the next, negotiate a peace settlement between two warring factions that have been killing each other for over 3500 years?

How is it that a baseball player can be accused of lying by Congress and taken to court to be tried, and be punished, but the Congress can lie to the citizens of the United States, and steal from the citizens of the United States, and NOT be tried in court and convicted?

How is it that Congress can find enough money to send billions of dollars in aid to foreign countries, but can’t find enough money to buy toilet paper for the schools?

How is that hope & change thing working out for you? Did you get the change you hoped for? Unemployment? Recession? Depression? Government take over of private industries? Home foreclosures? Bank failures? Do you feel a lot better now? Has the wealth been all spread around so you have all you need and want? Or, is change all you have? Loose change?

Just a few questions…