
John 3:16
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

Are YOU a "whosoever?"

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Shark Attacks!!

Just when you think it is safe to go back in the water, someone yells, "SHARK!" Just when we get used to a new mandate from Washington, DC, more fine print comes out.

The following are a few "fine print moments" of this past week:

Budget Doing Better than Expected: According to an AP story on Fox the Obama Administration announced that this year's budget deficit is expected to be $1.47 TRILLION. And that is LOWER than was expected. Hmmmm!

New Diplomatic Status for Palestinian Authority: According to Ed Lasky of America Thinker, the Obama Administration, who first bowed to its Arab friends in the middle East, who has pushed Israel toward giving up more and more to get peace talks going with the Palestinian Authority, has now upgraded the Palestinians diplomatic status. Now the Palestinian Authority's flag (same flag as the PLO terrorist's flag) will fly proudly in Washington, D.C. What did the PA give up for this diplomatic upgrade by Obama? Nothing!

What's in a Word: Obama and his administration have, by fiat and use, changed the Constitution. Where once it was that we have "freedom of religion," Obama and his administration say now it is "freedom of worship." Not quite the same thing.

In an article by Randy Sly of American Thinker, Sly writes, "Language matters when it comes to defining freedom and limits. A shift from freedom of religion to freedom of worship moves the dialog from the world stage into the physical confines of a church, temple, synagogue, or mosque. Such limitations can unleash an unbridled initiative that we have only experienced in a mild way through actions determined to remove roadside crosses, wearing religious T-shirts and pro-life pins, as well as any initiatives of evangelization. It could exclude our right to raise our children in our faith, the right to religious education,literature or media...the right to express religious beliefs in the normal discourse of life."

We can still, at this time, gather to worship, but the tenants of our respective religions, to teach, preach and evangelize, could soon be considered hate crimes.

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? Another "shark attack" came to light this week in an article by Brenton Stransky, American Thinker. He explains that in the 2009 Economic Stimulus bill fine print is a mandate for doctors to install and use electronic records by 2014. Some stimulus funds were made available to accomplish this. Of course, the mainstream media didn't report another mandate--for all doctors to gather information and records to determine everyone's BMI--body mass index--and report this information to the federal government by 2014. You can almost see the next step, little government men in white coats knocking on our doors and going through our refrigerators and pantries for contraband food. Away with those eggs, muffins, soft drinks and ice cream, and in with the green-bean salads! Worse yet, taxing us for the wrong food we eat, or denying us health care for "self-inflicted" illnesses.

"There are gold in them thar' hills!" Lastly for today, the healthcare reform package that was rammed through without being read by House and Senate included a little tidbit. According to Henry Percy of American Thinker is a part on something very "non-medical." Without fanfare the federal government passed a line that future purchases of gold must be recordered and reported to the federal government.

Didn't FDR mandate that gold and silver held by private citizens be turned in--of course with compensation? Of course the compensation rate was set by the government. At present gold is about $1200 per ounce and silver at about $18 per once. Forward-thinking people, afraid of hyper-inflation, have been purchasing gold and silver bullion coins as a safety net for if/when the dollar loses its value. Will Obama, at some point, set a new rate and call in the gold and silver to balance out some of our tremendous federal debt? After all, "everyone must share the sacrifice."

Keep tuned. I will continue my research and make more posts in days to come.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Obama's Open Agendas

During the last presidential campaign it became evident that anyone who spoke out against Obama was called a racist. This threat to be named a racist even impeded John McCain from launching a full-fledged campaign. Any hints of anything negative brought out this racist attack. McCain even soft-pedaled  the "rumor" that Obama might be an Arab/Muslim. At a town-hall meeting a "sweet old lady" asked him if he thought Obama was an Arab/Muslim. He softly answered, I don't think so. Hmmm... Since day one of Obama's presidency he has given deference to Muslims over Christians at every opportunity.

To NOT be called a racist people overlooked many things when voting for president. They overlooked Obama's refusal to release his original birth certificate. (You'd be called a birther-racist for pushing this.)

They overlooked his refusal to release any college transcripts. (Could be those at Harvard at least might be under the name of Barry Soetoro, Jr.)

They overlooked his motives of being a community organizer: (power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Not my original words.)

No one would accept that his agenda and the agenda of his handlers was to bring down America and set up a dictatorship. You were just a racist who didn't want to see a black man elected president.

Obama has said that he is Christian, but I would hazard a guess that he has never read the Bible. If he had he wouldn't be preaching the redistribution of wealth agenda. Jesus explicitly taught to some would be given 10 talents, to some 5 talents and to some 1 talent. How one used the talent he was given would determine the rewards he would receive. Those who didn't use their one talent wisely would lose it. Those who used their talents wisely would be rewarded. The lazy who sit and wait (bury their talent in the ground) would have their one talent taken away to be given to another who had worked.

Obama's agenda isn't to motivate everyone into working harder, but to take from those who, with due diligence, "doubled their talents" and give the fruit of the ambitious to the slothful, lazy, uninitiated.

But,WHY is this Obama's agenda? In my view: to break down  this country from within; to take over America by presidential decree what he can't get by acts of congress; to weaken America's infrastructure by overwhelming the safety nets. (Google "Cloward-Piven Strategy" and see what comes up.)

Obama's formative years were all over the world, many years in South East Asia under Muslim teaching and Marxist role-models and mentors. He has no natural affection for America, only what he can get from America.  America's own turning from God and the original moral compass that created this country, has enabled Obama and his czars to set up shop in Washington, DC.

Steps already in motion for this collapse?

An ever burgeoning central government, with the accompanying unsustainable debt;

By presidential decree, the breakdown of capitalism, individual ownership, and individual rights;

The muzzling of the press: anyone who disagrees with these decadent despots is again called racists;

The weakening of America's security, military, by the blurring of the description of our enemies. Obama said not to use the term "Islamic terrorists" because not all Muslims are terrorists. But, to date, MOST terrorists have been Muslims, and THEY have a direct agenda: KILL ALL INFIDELS, all Non-Muslims, particularly Americans and Christians.

We just had revival meetings at our church. The visiting preacher said we should pray for the president. And  I do. I pray he will be converted to become a real Christian before he destroys America completely.

If he does, we will then see who pulls the strings of this puppet government we have in the White House today.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Don't Let the Sunny Daze of Summer Distract You

It's been said that "nothing much happens in Washington, DC in the month of July." Don't believe it. Keep your eyes and ears open!

A couple of things recently: The US Supreme Court had two decisions, one on hand guns and one on religion. The fair Judge Sotomayor who stated in her Senate confirmation hearings that she supported the Second Amendment and people's right to bear fire arms, voted against this in a recent 5-4 decision which the majority stated this Right to Bear Arms, was nation-wide, and states couldn't interfere.

In an other decision by the same court, the decision stated in effect, that religious groups couldn't prevent non-believers from "joining" their membership lists. This is like saying you don't have to be Christian to be Christian. How do you NOT have to be a Christian to belong to a Christian church or club? If you belonged to a butterfly-watching club, a club that promoted viewing peacefully butterflies in their natural habitat, you could be forced to allow butterfly-haters, whose agendas included squashing and killing  butterflies into your group. Many Christian-hating, atheistic-believing people would be able to come in and join your club, church, or other organization, become the voting majority, and close you down, or change your mission statement. Where is the sanity in this decision.

Speaking of the Supreme Court, Lady-in-waiting, Elena Kagen, is going through confirmation hearings. She will, if confirmed, be judging the ethics and law of the land. In her history on NON-JUDGING, (she has no history as a judge) she admitted to fraudulently revising an official medical opinion by the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. The society prepared a statement "its panel of experts found no circumstances in which the (partial birth abortion) procedure was the only option for saying the life of the woman."

Judge-to-be Kagen sent out an internal memo stating "This, of course, would be a disaster." She, therefore revised the language to the final statement that partial birth abortion "may be the best and most appropriate procedure in particular circumstances to save the life or preserve the health of the woman." (James Lewis, "Is Elena Kagen Morally Blind?" American Thinker 7/3/10).  And this woman will be deciding right and wrong of others!!!

Another thought of Washington, D.C.:  Why has NASA Administrator Charles Bolden been instructed to go to the Arab world to coddle Muslims, to "inspire" them in the space industry? Bolden reports the president ordered him to engage with Muslims to "help them feel good about their historic contribution to science." Is this the Sharia science of stoning women, or mutilating young girls, or putting to death anyone who converts from Islam to any other religion, particularly Christianity? Does the president want the Arab world capable of launching missiles capable of getting a man on the moon, but not capable of bombing Israel or the USA? Can he protect us from this "alternated use" of Arab science?

 Another weirdness happened recently in Massachusetts. A fool in charge of the high school made a rule that the pledge allegiance to the flag, didn't have to be said by anyone in high school, in fact, couldn't be said. A student protested, sued the school, and won a verdict that said, students could say the pledge on a voluntary basis in the school foyer, but not the class room. The reason behind the decision to NOT have the pledge in the classroom was the school committee didn't want to force teachers in leading the pledge. DIDN'T WANT TO FORCE THEM TO LEAD THE PLEDGE!!!!!  With all the unemployment in this country, and with many teachers losing their jobs, this school committee, who probably didn't want to say "under God" themselves, and therefore didn't want to force others to say "under God," denied all children from hearing and saying the pledge. Where is the sanity here? Saying the pledge together should be a unifying action, not a disruptive action.

Another thing on this theme: Unity in America. How do  you build a United States of America? First, America deserves and needs your allegiance. If you don't want to pledge your allegiance, leave! Second, you need a common language. If you don't want to learn English, leave! Third it costs money to protect our liberty from outside forces, and disreputable inside forces. If you don't want to pay "your fair share," leave! No "working under the table." No working without a Social Security card. No collecting any type of welfare if you aren't a citizen.  No Medicaid card without being a citizen.

The current administration is looking for ways to increase taxes to pay for all the programs in place. Some programs are new, others have been there a while. So the talk is tweeking Social Security so those under 50 years of age won't collect much, if any. The talk is for folks to plan on individual retirement plans to offset what they would have gotten from Social Security. Gee, doesn't that sound like what President Bush was crucified for suggesting? 

Many of those presidential edicts are going into action this summer. It may be vacation time, but sleep with one eye open, and your hand on your wallet.

Friday, July 2, 2010

July 4, 2010--Independence Day

"We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with inalienable rights that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." (From the Declaration of Independence)

On all our money is printed the words, "In God We Trust." Legislative sessions on most states and in Congress are preceded by prayer, and in most cases, to the Lord Jesus Christ.

With all this in mind, how can some fool in a black robe with the mentality of a poke weed arbitrarily cancel the National Day of Prayer? Are we not still one nation under God?

How can we kill millions of babies each year, and still be guaranteed life by the Constitution? Here again, fools in black robes have decided some lives are worth less and others are worth more. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say that some lives are worth less, and others are worth more. And what part of that ruling by fools in black robes comes under the heading "pursuit of happiness?"

You have to have Life to have Liberty, and to be able to pursue Happiness. Human life is an important factor in Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Happy 4th of July Pursuing Life, Liberty and Happiness.